Chapter 24 - Breast Flashcards
Estrogen leads to what part of breast development?
Duct (double layer of columnar cells)
Progesterone leads to what part of breast development?
Lobular (glandular) development
Prolactin has what effect on breast development?
Synergizes estrogen and progesterone
Estrogen causes what cyclic change in the breast?
Increased breast swelling, growth of glandular tissue
Progesterone causes what cyclic change in the breast?
Increased maturation of glandular tissue; withdrawal causes menses.
What cyclic change is caused by LH, FSH surge?
Causes ovum release
Long thoracic nerve innervates what? Injury results in what?
Serratus anterior; winged scapula
Thoracodorsal nerve innervates what? Injury causes what?
Latissimus dorsi; weak arm pull-ups and adduction
What artery goes to the serratus anterior?
Lateral thoracic artery (same name as nerve)
What artery goes to latissimus dorsi?
Thoracodorsal artery (same name as nerve)
Medial pectoral nerve innervates what?
Pectoralis major and minor
Lateral pectoral nerve innervates what?
Pectoralis major only
Intercostobrachial nerve comes from where? Innervates what?
From lateral cutaneous branch of the 2nd intercostal nerve; sensation to medial arm and axilla
Branches of what arteries supply the breast?
Internal thoracic artery, intercostal arteries, thoracoacromial artery, lateral thoracic artery
Batson’s plexus allows what to happen in breast cancer?
Valveless vein plexus that allows direct hematogenous mets to spine
What disease does primary axillary adenopathy most likely indicate?
1 lymphoma
Positive supraclavicular nodes indicate what stage disease?
Most common bacteria in breast abscess?
S. aureus, strep; associated with breast feeding
Treatment for abscesses?
- I&D; ice, heat
- drain milk - pump or breastfeed
- if MRSA suspected - PO Bactrim or clindamycin
- if no MRSA risk - dicloxacillin or cephalexin okay
- if unstable or systemic illness - IV Vancomycin
- leukocytosis, fever, tachycardia
Most common bacteria in infectious mastitis?
S. aureus; in nonlactating women can be due to chronic inflammatory diseases (actinomyces, TB, syphilis)
Workup for infectious mastitis?
Need to rule out necrotic cancer. If suspected, can do incisional biopsy including skin.
If purulent nipple discharge, gram stain and culture +/- I&D or needle aspiration.
Repeat episodes warrant duct excision.
What is periductal mastitis?
Inflammation of the subareolar ducts.
Mammary duct ectasia or plasma cell mastitis; dilated mammary ducts, inspissated secretions, marked periductal inflammation
Symptoms of periductal mastitis?
Noncyclical mastodynia, nipple retraction, creamy discharge from nipple; can have sterile subareolar abscess; pts with difficulty breastfeeding.
Treatment for periductal mastitis?
Reassure if discharge is creamy, non bloody and not associated with nipple retraction; otherwise r/o cancer.
What is a galactocele?
Breast cysts filled with milk usually 2/2 obstruction; occurs with breastfeeding.
Imaging shows fat-fluid level or indeterminate mass.
Treatment for galactocele?
Can aspirate - milky substance
Excision unnecessary - no malignant risk
What is galactorrhea caused by?
High prolactin (pituitary prolactinoma), OCPs, TCAs, phenothiazines, metoclopramide, alpha-methyl dopa, reserpine… either prolactinoma or meds.
What is gynecomastia? Caused by?
- cimetidine, spironolactone, marijuana, idiopathic
- cirrhosis, malnutrition
- testicular tumors
What is the cause of neonatal breast enlargement?
Due to circulating maternal estrogens; will regress
Most common location for accessory breast tissue?
What is the most common breast abnormality?
Accessory nipples
What is Poland’s syndrome?
Hypoplasia of chest wall, amastia, hypoplastic shoulder, no pectoralis muscle.
Workup for mastodynia?
Pain in breast; rarely represents breast CA. Workup is minimal unless concerning signs on H&P.
Treatment for mastodynia?
- OCPs, tylenol, NSAIDs
- Can try caffeine avoidance, primrose oil
- Bromocriptine no longer used
- Danazol - effective, but androgenic sfx
What is cyclic mastodynia most commonly caused by?
Fibrocystic disease
What is continuous mastodynia caused by?
Most commonly acute or subacute infection
What is Mondor’s disease?
Superficial vein thrombophlebitis of breast; cordlike, can be painful.
What is Mondor’s associated with? Treatment?
Trauma and strenuous exercise; NSAIDs. Abx usually not necessary unless severe or systemic. Surgery last line.
Symptoms of fibrocystic disease?
Breast pain, nipple discharge (uncommon, yellow to brown), masses, lumpy breast tissue that varies with hormonal cycle.
How can sclerosing adenosis present?
Cluster of calcifications on mammogram without mass or pain
How is sclerosing adenosis differentiated from breast CA pathologically?
By regularity of nuclei and absence of mitoses
Most common cause of bloody discharge from nipple?
Intraductal papilloma
Malignancy risk with intraductal papilloma?
NOT premalignant
Treatment of intraductal papilloma?
Resection (subareolar resection curative)
What is the most common breast lesion in adolescents and young women?
Characteristics of fibroadenoma?
Painless, slow growing, well cicumscribed, firm and rubbery; change size in pregnancy; grows to several cm in size then stops
Pathology of fibroadenoma? Mammography findings?
Prominent fibrous tissue compressing epithelial cells; popcorn lesions (large, coarse calcifications)
Work up of nipple discharge?
- H&P: nonbloody and multiductal vs persistent, uniductal, unilateral, spontaneous
- If suspicious: ultrasound and bilateral mammogram
- Pathological nipple discharge requires excision of the duct.
What is green discharge due to? What is the treatment?
Fibrocystic disease; if cyclical and nonspontaneous, reassure patient
What is bloody discharge due to? Treatment?
Most commonly intraductal papilloma, occasionally ductal CA; galactogram and excision of that ductal area
What is serous discharge due to? Treatment?
- Usually d/t papilloma, but worrisome for cancer.
- If unitaleral and spontaneous, will require full workup and excisional biopsy of that ductal area.
What is spontaneous discharge due to? Treatment?
Worrisome for cancer no matter what color or consistency; biopsy in area of duct
What is nonspontaneous discharge due to? Treatment
Pressure, tight garments, exercise; not as worrisome
Characteristics of diffuse papillomatosis? Risk of cancer?
Multiple ducts of both breasts, larger when solitary, serous discharge; increased risk of cancer (40%)
Mammogram findings of diffuse papillomatosis?
Swiss cheese appearance
Definition of ductal carcinoma in situ?
Malignant cells of ductal epithelium without invasion of the basement membrane
% risk of cancer with DCIS?
50-60% get cancer if not resected; 5-10% will get cancer in contralateral breast.
Mammogram findings with DCIS?
Usually not palpable; cluster of calcifications on mammography
Margins needed with excision of DCIS?
Patterns of DCIS?
Solid, cribriform, papillary, comedo
What is the most aggressive subtype of DCIS?
Comedo pattern; with necrotic areas; high risk for multicentricity, microinvasion, recurrence
What characteristics increase the recurrence risk following excision of DCIS?
Comedo type, lesions >2.5cm
Treatment for DCIS?
- Lumpectomy and XRT, +/-tamoxifen
- Simple mastectomy for high grade, if large tumor not amenable to lumpectomy, or not able to get good margins
Cancer risk with lobular carcinoma in situ?
40% get cancer (either breast)
Is LCIS premalignant?
NO, considered a marker for the development of breast CA; do NOT need negative margins
What type of breast CA do patients with LCIS develop?
More likely to develop ductal CA (70%)
% risk of having synchronous breast CA at the time of diagnosis of LCIS?
Treatment for LCIS?
- If dx by CNB - surgical excision
- If dx surgical excision - done
- pleomorphic LCIS requires excision to negative margins
Lifetime risk of breast cancer?
1 in 8 women (12%); 4-5% in women with no risk factors
What % will screening decrease mortality of breast cancer by?
Median survival of untreated breast cancer?
Clinical features of breast CA?
Distortion of normal breast architecture, skin/nipple distortion or retraction, hard, tethered, indistinct borders