Chapter 23: Growth and Development of the Infant Flashcards
How much do newborns lose up to during the first week of life?
10% of birth weight
Infants _____ their weight by 6 months
Infants _____ their weight by 12 months
***By age 1, length should increase by ____%
What should be used to measure a newborns length?
Recumbent board not a tape measure
Small babies are measured in what unit of measurement?
Asian infants tend to be ______, and African American infants tend to be ____.
Smaller; Larger
At birth an infants head circumference averages about?
13.7 in (35 cm)
usually slightly larger than chest
At what month does the chest grow rapidly and catch up to the head circumference?
5-7 months of age
The posterior fontanelle closes when?***
6-8 weeks
(2nd or 3rd month of life)
The anterior fontanelle closes when?**
12-18 months
A sunken fontanelle indicates?
A bulging fontanelle indicates?
When does teeth eruption usually first begin?
6-8 months
What teeth are usually first to erupt?
Lower central incisors
At 12 months how many teeth should you have?
6-8 teeth
Teething Symptoms
- Sucking or biting on fingers or hard objects
- Drooling
- Irritable
- Difficulty sleeping
- Mild fever
- Rub their ears
- Decreased appetite
How is teething treated?
Frozen teething ring or ice cube wrapped in a wash cloth
Topical antiseptic ointment (orajel)
Acetaminophen or ibuprofen
-infant must be >6 months for ibuprofen***
-should not use medications >3 days
Developmental Milestones:
Gross Motor Skills
2 months:
4 months:
6 months:
8 months:
10 months:
12 months:
2 months: Lifts head off mattress when prone
4 months: Rolls from back to side
6 months: Rolls from back to front
8 months: Sits unsupported
10 months: Changes from prone to sitting
12 months: Sits down from standing position
without assistance and can walk with one hand held.
Developmental Milestones: Fine motor Skills
2 months:
4 months:
6 months:
8 months:
10 months:
12 months:
2 months: Hands in open position
4 months: Grasps objects with both hands
6 months: Holds bottle
8 months: Begins using pincer grasp***
10 months: Grasps rattle by handle
12 month: Can turn pages in a book
At what developmental age do babies learn the fine motor skill; pincher grasp
8 months
What is the first form of communication?
infants cry for 1-1.5 hrs/day
Crying decreases by ____ weeks?
12 weeks
How does each milestone communicate
2 months:
4 months:
6 months:
9 months:
12 months:
2 months: cries and makes other sounds
4 months: coos, makes sounds back when talked to, turns head towards familiar sounds
6 months: high pitched squeal, sticks tongue out
9 months: makes lots of various sounds with longer syllables, comprehends simple commands
12 months: speaks 1-2 words with meaning