Chapter 21:The Newborn at Risk Flashcards
Congenital Disorders
What causes congenital malformations?
Genetic or environmental factors
What is Spina Bifida?
Defect in the neural arch of the lumbosacral region
Failure of the posterior laminae of the vertebrae to close; leaves an opening through which spinal meninges and spinal cord may protrude
Spina Bifida: What are the three types of degree of spinal cord anomalies?
- Occulta
- Meiningocele
- Myelomeningocele
What is spina bifida occulta?
A bony defect that occurs without soft tissue involvement
• no symptoms
• Dimple in the skin or a tuft of hair over the site
What is the spina bifida meningocele?
Spinal meninges protrudes through the bony defect and forms a cystic sac.
• no nerve roots involved
• No paralysis or sensory loss
Sac may rupture or perforate and cause infection leading to meningitis
What is spina bifida myelomeningocele?
Protrusion of the spinal cord and the meninges with nerve roots embedded in the wall of the cyst.
• Most severe
• Varies in severity
• Paralysis of lower trunk and legs
How is myelomeningocele diagnosed?
• Elevated alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)
• Clinical Observation
• Monitor for associated defects
-Gu disorders
-Orthopedic anomalies
Myelomeningocele: Data collection (assessment)
• Routine Newborn Exam
• Observe movement and response to stimuli in lower extremities
• Measure head circumference**
-examine fontanels
• Prevent injury to sac
Myelomeningocele Nursing Focus:
Preventing Infection
• Prophylactic antibiotics
• Aseptic technique
• Prior to surgery: cover sac with sterile dressing moistened with warm sterile solution**
-moisten dressing every 2 hrs; do not let it dry**
• Protect Sac from contamination of fecal material with a protective barrier
Myelomeningocele Nursing Focus:
Preventing Injury
• Perform ROM exercises of lower extremities to prevent contracture
• Maintain prone position
• Massage knees and other bony prominences with lotion regularly, pad, and protect them from irritation
How would you promote family coping with Myelomeningocele?
• Family coping impaired due to perceived loss of ‘perfect’ newborn
• Be sensitive to caregiver needs and emotions
• Allow caregiver to express feelings and emotion
• Promote bonding
Myelomeningocele Family Teaching
• Provide information about defect
• Provide information about follow up care
• Refer to Spina Bifida Association
What is Hydrocephalus?
excess of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) within the ventricular and subarachnoid spaces of the cranial cavity
Balance is disturbed
What happens when hydrocephalus occurs before the fontanelles close?
Suture lines separate to allow for head expansion
-rapid increase in head circumference
Clinical Manifestations of Hydrocephalus
• Excessively large head at birth
• Rapid head growth with widening cranial sutures
• Tense and fill anterior fontanelle
-towards forehead
• scalp becomes shiny and veins dilate
• Setting sun sign**
-eyes appear to be pushed downward and the sclera is visible above the iris
If hydrocephalus is not controlled ICP develops. What are symptom of ICP?
• irritability
• Restlessness
• Personality change
• High pitched cry
• Ataxia-poor muscle control
• Projectile vomiting
• Failure to thrive
• Seizures
• Severe headache
• Changes in LOC
• Papilledema-optic disc swelling
How is hydrocephalus diagnosed
- Surgical-Ventriculoperitoneal shunt (VP shunt)
What is a VP shunt
procedure that drains excess CSF from the lateral ventricle through a subQ catheter.
As the child grows the catheter needs to be revised and lengthened.
Data Collection: Hydrocephalus
- Measure head circumference
2.Monitor fontanelles for bulging
3.Monitor for ICP
-check pupils (PERRLA)
-monitor for signs of seizures
-monitor for lethargy/shrill cry
4.Monitor VP shunt site for infection
5.Frequent repositioning
6.Support head and neck when moving
7.Use egg crate, lambs wool, or special mattress to prevent skin breakdown - Promote social interaction
What is a ventricular septal defect (VSD)?
Abnormal opening between the right and left ventricle.
Loud harsh murmur
Surgical repair with patch
What is atrial septal defect (ASD)?
Abnormal opening between the right and left atria.
Surgical repair with a patch or sutures
What is patent ductus arteriosus?
Vascular channel between the left pulmonary artery and descending aorta.
Needed in fetal circulation to bypass nonfunctioning lungs
Typically closes during first week of life
If PDA fails to close the blood flow is reversed and does what?
floods the lungs
What med is administered in attempt to close PDA?
Indomethacin; prostaglandin inhibitor
if not successful surgical correction will be done