Chapter 23: Age of Nationalism Flashcards
Objectives of Nap. III
- reconcile popular and conservative
forces in an authoritarian nation-state - government should represent the people
- national unity and social progress
Napoleon as President
- elected for 4 ys as president
- to pay his debts, signed the conservative sponsored bill
Conservative sponsored bill
- increased involvement of Catholic Church in school
- deprived poor people from vote
- change the constitution for a 2nd term
–> pay his debt and longer presidency
Nap. III Coup
- 1851 legally dismissed
- restore male suffrage
- plebiscite, 97% hereditary emperor
Nap III Second Empire
- Success and failure between 1852 and 1870
- 1850s = Econ growth (public work, higher wages, les unemployment)
- railroad construction, reduce social and political tension, Econ. rights to workers - 1860s = criticism: progressive liberalization through more power to the assembly, opposition candidates greater freedom
- 1869 new constitution for a parliamentary regime with hereditary emperor
- reconcile strong national state with universal male suffrage in a democratic direction
Italian situation and national building
Divided in city states and part after congress in Vienna in 1815.
Idea of unified nation between 1815 and 1848
- Sardinia - Piedmont with liberal constitution and parliamentary gov is preferred
- Pius IX denounced rationalism, socialism, separation of church and state,
and religious liberty in the Syllabus of Errors.
Cavour and Garibaldi’s role
Cavour wanted the unification of Italy.
- 1858 = secret alliance with Nap III vs Austria
- 1859 = attack from Austria and peace in July and ceding Savoy and Nice to France
- May 1860 = Garibaldi’s liberation of Sicily
- Cavour’s plebiscite to liberate the kingdom and to join the regions, meeting in Naples to unify
Kingdom of Italy 1861, Venice integrated in 1866 and Rome in 1870
Austro-Prussian Rivalry
1848 = Unification of Germany under Frederik William IV blocked by Austria and Russia
- Tension between Austria-Prussia because of the dominance of the German Confederation
- Austria not included in the German Customs Union (= Prussia’s advantage)
Prussia’s Condition and Situation
- Weak parliament in the hands of liberal middle class and control of the army
- raise taxes and defense budget anticipating political change and war
- 1862 = military budget rejected, Otto von Bismarck prime minister
Bismarck and beh Austro-Prussian war
1862 = constitutional crisis due to no power to parliament
- reorganized army and taxes
1866 = localized conflict, neutralized Russia and France
- War ended with victory for Prussia at the Battle of Sadowa: dissolution of German Confederation and annexation of states north Main
Partial realization of Prussian expansion
Controlling the German Parliament
Franco-Prussian war
- Bismarck identified Prussia’s fate with the “national development of Germany.”
- new North German Confederation, king of Prussia becoming president and Bismarck the chancellor
- patriotic war with France can unify te country with south Germany
1870 = war with France and defeated them at Sedan on Sep.1 - 1871 = alsace and lorraine to germany: poisened relation between the two countries
==> Franco Prussian war = surge of patriotic feeling in the German Empire
==> Most powerful state in Europe
Slavery and nation building in the US
- experienced a process of bloody nation building
- North with factories and south industry with plantation dominating the economy and society
- After 1848 = US gained war with Mexico –> led to Civil War
- New American nationalism with the win of the north and the “Manifest Destiny” to straddle the continent as a great world power
==> new American nationalism grounded in economic and territorial expansion
The modernization of Russia and the Ottoman Empire
political crises in the mid- nineteenth century
- Both vast multinational states
- Long traditions of military conquest
- Absolutist rule by elites: dominant ethnic groups
- Opposed representative government/national independence for ethnic minorities
- Need to embrace modernization
==> Modernization was narrowly defined as economic, military, and social- political reforms that could enable a country to compete effectively with leading European nations
Great reforms in Russia
- 1853 - 1856 = Crimean War: breakdown of the European balance of power and general
Great Power competition over the Middle East (lost 450k soldiers, impact on home-front and attention of national press) - Protection of Christian in Jerusalem
- Russian’s leaders convinced they’re behind industrializing nations
- War caused peasant rebellion
- Need of railroads, armaments… to remain Great
- Military disaster leading to rapid social change and modernization (abolishing serfdom in 1861)
==> War destroyed the economic and industrial modernization
The Russian revolution in 1905
- Western Imperialism prevalent but conflicts with Japan for North Korea
- 1904 = Japanese attack to russia and defeat
- 1905 = rev. culminate in the October manifesto
Cooperation between duma and middle class liberals broke down the gov., tsar dismissed it and rewriting electoral law
Russia became a conservative constitutional monarchy (aim = industrial Econ by 1914)
Red Shirts def
The guerrilla army of Giuseppe Garibaldi, who invaded Sicily in 1860 in an attempt to liberate it, winning the hearts of the Sicilian peasantry.
Homestead Act def
An American law enacted during the Civil War that gave western land to settlers, reinforcing the concept of free labor in a market economy.