Chapter 22 Flashcards
what are the paired deep veins of the calf/arm that follow the corresponding artery?
venae comitantes (corresponding vein)
how is the peroneal veins formed by?
confluence of venules
where is the peroneal veins located?
located on the medial side but empties lateral leg
carries blood cephalad into tibial-peroneal trunk
how is the PTVs formed by?
formed by the confluence of venules
what does PTVS empty?
empties back of leg
carries blood to the tibial-peroneal trunk
how is the ATVs formed by?
confluence of venules
what does ATV empty?
empties front of leg
how is the pop vein formed?
formed by union of ATV and tib-peroneal trunk
usually just below the knee
when does the pop v become the femoral vein
when it passes through adductor hiatus in lower thigh
how is the CFV formed by?
joining of FV and deep femoral vein (profunda)
how is the EIV formed by?
CFV become EIV when vein passes through inguinal ligament
how is the CIV formed?
confluence of EIV and IIV
what is may thurner syndrome?
compression of the left common iliac vein by the right common iliac artery
this pressure point may account for left sided DVT
what is the IVC formed by?
formed by confluence of common iliac veins
commonly at the 5th lumbar vertebra
carries blood into the right atrium of the heart
where does the LSV ascends?
ascends back of calf joining the pop v
where does GSV originate from?
longest vein the body originating on dorsum of foot; traveling medially to sapenofemoral junction in the groin (about level of CFA bif)
what is the sapenofemoral juntion?
where GSV and CFV meet
what do perforators do?
carry blood from superficial veins into deep veins
what is the posterior arch vein?
has 3 ankle perforators
plays a major role in development of venous stasis ulcers
what are the 3 posterior arch veins?
cockett I, II, III
I being at the ankle
what are intracranial venous sinuses?
spaces between dura mater and periosteum that drain blood into the IJV
what are lower extremity venous sinuses?
dilated channels in soleal and gastrocnemius muslces
darins blood into the PTV and Peron
major part of the calf muscle pump
how is the radial veins formed by?
confluence of venules
how does the radial veins empty?
empties lateral hand and forearm