Chapter 12 Flashcards
what are capabilities of duplex/color flow imaging (LE)?
determine presence/absence of >50% diameter reduction or occulsions
determine presence/ absence of aneurysms
follow up by pass grafts
to localize the stenotic lesion prior to balloon angioplasty
what are limiations of duplex/color flow imaging (LE)?
presence of dressings, skin staples, sutures, open wounds
incisional tenderness, hematomas
obesity- difficult to image vessels
calcific shadowing from diabetes and/or atherosclerosis
what is patient positioning for LE duplex?
supine with head on pillow
extremity positioned close to the examiner
pts hips minimally rotated externally, knee flexed
prone or LLD may be required for pop artery
what is the doppler shift freq formula?
Df=2 Fo V Cos
what does the number 2 represent in the formula?
two doppler shifts
red blood cell is first an observer of a stationary US field
then acts as a wave source when the waves scatter from its surface
what is the speed of tissue?
1540 m/sec
what is the formula for velocity?
v=c Df
2 Fo Cos
T/F the doppler shift must be known in order to calculate for velocity
what is Cos of 90?
What is COS of 60?
What is Cos of 0?
what is a source of error when solving for velocity?
the doppler angle theta which increases its nonlinear influence as the angle becomes closer to 90 degrees
what is the ideal doppler angle?
what is the ideal place to put the angle correct?
parallel to vessel walls and centerstream
what will cause for you to change your doppler angle?
vessel tortuosity and other conditions
what are still usable angles?
which angles are not reliable?
doppler angle >60 degrees
what is the relationship between the doppler freq and the freq of the transducer
what probe freq to use for LE?
7 or 5
which arteries are you going to image with a LE duplex?
distal external iliac artery CFA CFA bif (SFA and DFA) SFA (p-d) pop a (p-d) trifurcation -ATA -PTA -peroneal
which words do you use to describe a LE doppler signals?
TRI BI or Monophasic
if a >50% diameter reduction is suspected what should you obtain?
pre- stenotic PSV (approaching the stenosis)
PSV (highest) at stenosis
post- stenosis
what should you know about bypass grafts?
type, location and age
what are types of syntheic grafts?
e.g Gortex
in- situ vein graft