Chapter 21: The Male Genital Tract Flashcards
What is the most common benign paratesticular tumor?
Typically occur where?
- Adenomatoid tumor (mesothelial in nature)
- Typically occurring near upper pole of epididymis
Malformation of the urethral groove and urethral canal of the male penis may produce what congenital anomalies?
- Hypospadias = urethral opening on ventral surface (more common)
- Epispadias = urethral opening on dorsal surface
Which complications may arise in a pt with Hypospadias or Epispadias of the penis?
- Urinary tract obstruction and ↑ risk of ascending infection
- Sterility
Which complications may arise due to Phimosis?
- Difficult to clean –> accumulates secretion under prepuce
- 2’ infection and possible carcinoma

Balanoposthitis refers to infection of which penile structures?
Glans and prepuce
What are the most common organisms responsible for Balanoposthitis?
- Candida albicans
- Anaerobic bacteria
- Gardnerella
- Pyogenic bacteria
Persistence of the infection in balanoposthitis is a common cause of?
Phimosis = orifice of prepuce too small to permit normal retraction

What is Condyloma Acuminatum and is caused by what?
Benign sexually transmitted wart caused by HPV (type 6; or 11)

Most cases of balanoposthitis occur as a consequence of what?
Poor local hygiene in uncircumscirbed males –> accumulation of desquamated epithelial cells, sweat, and debris = smegma acts as local irritant
What is the histology of Condyloma Acuminatum?
- Branching, villous, papillary CT stroma covered w/ superficial hyperkeratotic epithelium
- Thickening of the underlying epidermins (acanthosis)
- Cytoplasmic vacuolization of squamous cells (koilocytosis), characteristic of HPV infection is present

Where on the penis does Condyloma Acuminatum most often occur?
Appears how?
- About the coronal sulcus and inner surface of the prepuce
- Consist of single or multiple SESSILE or PEDUNCULATED, red papillary excrescences
What are the 2 distinct lesions of the male genitalia that display histologic features of CIS?
Both have strong association with what?
- Bowen disease
- Bowenoid papulosis
*Strong association w/ HPV 16
Bowen disease occurs in most often where in men?
How does it appear grossly?
- Skin of shaft of penis and the scrotum –> appears as solitary, thickened, gray-white, opaque plaque
- May also manifest on glans and prepuce as single or multiple shiny red, sometimes velvety plaques
Bowen disease is most often seen in what age group vs. Bowenoid Papulosis?
- Bowen disease = both men and women, older than age 35 years
- Bowenoid papulosis = sexually active adults (younger)
What is the dermal-epidermal border like in Bowen Disease?
Sharply delineated by intact BM
*Hence is carcinoma in situ
How is Bowenoid Papulosis distinguished from Bowen disease?
- Younger age of affected pts
- Presence of multiple (rather than solitary) reddish brown papular lesions
How is Bowenoid Papulosis and Bowen Disease different in terms of transformation into invasive carcinoma?
- Bowen disease transforms into infiltrative SCC in 10% of pts
- Bowenoid papulosis virtually NEVER becomes invasive carcinoma
Where is invasive SCC of the penis more commonly seen?
Africa, Asia, South Americ
Which types of HPV are strongly associated with SCC of the penis?
HPV types 16 and 18
Risk factors for SCC of the penis?
- Uncircumscribed males
- Cigarette smoking
Where on the penis does SCC begin?
What are the 2 macroscopic patterns of growth that may be seen?
- Begins on glans or inner surface of the prepuce near coronal sulcus
- Patterns = papillary or flat
What does the papillary pattern of penile SCC simulate?
Appears how?
- Simulates condyloma acuminata
- May produce cauliflower-like fungating mass
What is an exophytic well-differentiated variant of penile SCC that are locally invasive, but rarely metastasize?
Verrucous carcinoma
Where is the most common site of spread for penile SCC?
Inguinal lymph nodes