Chapter 21 Malicious Code and Application Attacks Flashcards
______ store the majority of
their code on another portion of the storage media.
master boot record infection file infection
macro infection
service injection
master boot record infection
may slightly alter the code of an executable program, thereby implanting
the technology the virus needs to replicate and damage the system.
master boot record infection file infection
macro infection
service injection
file infection
_____ first appeared on the scene in the mid-1990s, utilizing crude technologies
to infect documents created in the popular Microsoft Word environment.
master boot record infection file infection
macro infection
service injection
macro infection
______ —injecting themselves into trusted runtime processes
of the operating system, such as svchost.exe, winlogin.exe, and explorer.exe
master boot record infection file infection
macro infection
service injection
Service Injection Viruses
________ use more than one propagation technique in an attempt to penetrate systems that defend against only one method or the other
master boot record infection file infection
macro infection
service injection
Multipartite viruses
___________ hide themselves by actually tampering with the operating
system to fool antivirus packages into thinking that everything is functioning normally.
master boot record infection file infection
macro infection
service injection
Stealth viruses
____ do not generate modified signatures by changing their code;
instead, they alter the way they are stored on the disk.
master boot record infection file infection
macro infection
service injection
Encrypted viruses
malicious code objects that infect a system and lie dormant until they are triggered by the
occurrence of one or more conditions such as time, program launch, website logon, and
so on
Logic Bombs
a software program that appears benevolent but carries a malicious,
behind-the-scenes payload that has the potential to wreak havoc on a system or network.
Trojan Horses
propagate themselves
without requiring any human intervention.
_______ monitors your actions and transmits important details to a remote system that spies on your activity
_______ uses a variety of techniques to display advertisements on infected computers.
________ occurs when a program checks access permissions too far in advance of a resource
time-of-check-to-time-of-use (TOCTTOU or TOC/TOU)
undocumented command sequences that allow individuals with knowledge
of the back door to bypass normal access restrictions.
Back Doors
Unix operating systems store encrypted versions of a user’s password in the _______ file.
_____ _______ _______ attacks occur when web applications contain some type of reflected input.
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)