Chapter 21 Flashcards
The top waste generated by percent in US from the highest to lowest in correct order are:
- paper and paperboard
- yard trimming
- Food
- Plastic
- Textile and other
Define open dumping:
•Release Hazardous Materials. Open, unregulated dumps are still the predominant method of waste disposal in developing countries
How much plastic is dumped in oceans annually?
• 20 million tons of plastic debris are dumped at sea yearly where they are eaten by wildlife or wash up on beaches
What is e-waste?
•Electronic waste
Since 1994, all operating landfills in the U.S. have been required to control hazardous substances with ____________ and ______.
- Lining
2. Drainage Systems
Burning ______________ is used to create steam used for heating buildings or generating electricity.
Burning Garbage
EPA has found alarmingly high levels of ___, ___, ___, and ___ in incinerator ash. One way to control this is to remove __________ (________) and _______ before burning.
- Dioxins, Furans, Lead, Cadmiumin
- Heavy Metals (Batteries)
- Plastics
Currently, about ______ of all aluminum cans are recycled. Old tires are turned into road surface. Cost of recycling is about $______/ton as opposed to about $______/ton to landfill.
- 2/3
- 35$
- $80
U.S. Recycling Rates for the top 6 items in correct order from highest to lowest are:
- Car Batteries
- Steel cans
- Yard Trimmings
- Paper and paper board
- Aluminum beer and soft drink cans
- And Tires
List two methods of disposal of Municipal Waste
- Recycling and Composting
* Commercial Scale
Yard waste makes up about _______% of waste stream. Swiss company uses yard waste to make methane. Construction waste can be recycled. Gasifiers convert ______(food-soaked paper) to natural gas.
- 12%
2. Biomass
Per e-waste, what is meant by “cradle to grave”?
•“Cradle (point of generation) to grave (ultimate disposal)”
Why is “reusing” more efficient than recycling? Provide some examples.
- Auto parts, brass fittings, woodwork, bricks, are routinely reused and can bring a high price
- Avoids detrimental environmental effects from plastic recycle
Producing Less Waste is critical. Excess _______of consumer products is one of our greatest sources of unnecessary waste.
Paper, plastic, glass, and metal packaging material make up about ______% of domestic trash.