Chapter 20 Social History Flashcards
Which city did the Greeks loot and destroy?
The City of Troy
Who escaped Troy?
Where did Aeneas lead his people?
To Italy after many struggles and hardships.
When did the Romans establish their rule over Greece?
197 BC
What is the negative view the Roman’s had of the Greeks?
They despised the present weakness of a nation which had driven huge forces of invading Persians from their native soil five centuries before.
What is the positive view the Roman’s had of the Greeks?
The Roman’s enormously admired their great art and literature.
What languages were the Romans expected to be fluent in? (Quintus had to learn these)
They had to learn Greek and Latin.
After Quintus’s education in Rome, what did Quintus study in Greece?
Quintus was taught Greek Philosophy in Greece.
What was Pythagoras’s profession?
Who was proficient in Mathematics?
What was Euclid’s profession?
Who was proficient in Geometry?
What was Ptolemy’s profession?
Who was proficient in Astronomy?
What was Archimedes’s profession?