Chapter 20 Practice test Flashcards
range from 1 cm to 0.3 mm in diameter and supply groups of organs, individual organs, and parts of organs
Muscular arteries
The fallowing are function sod what? removal of nitrogenous wastes from the body, in the kidneys and exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs and receiving digested nutrients in the small intestine and picking up hormones from endocrine glands
Site-specific capillaries
In fetal circulation, __________ shunt blood away from pulmonary circulation.
the ductus arteriosus and foramen ovale
When cross-sections of several different types of arteries are examined under a microscope, muscular arteries can be distinguished by the presence of __________.
a thicker tunica media relative to the size of the artery, and both an internal and an external elastic lamina
Larger __________ are the smallest type of blood vessel to contain all three tunics.
__________ veins are the only veins that carry oxygenated blood.
__________ are wide, leaky capillaries that occur in regions where there is exchange of large materials, such as proteins or cells, between blood and tissue.
The arteries most directly supplying the occipital lobes and inferior and middle temporal lobes are the __________.
posterior cerebral arteries
occur where there are high rates of exchange of small molecules between blood and tissue fluid
and have “pores” that span the endothelial cells
Fenestrated capillaries
A saclike widening and weakening along an artery is a/an __________.
are small vessels within the tunica externa of large arteries and veins
Vasa vasorum
The first capillary bed of the hepatic portal system is located in the __________, and the second capillary bed is located in the __________.
stomach and intestines / liver
The __________ vein ascends along the center of the thoracic vertebral bodies (inside the thoracic cavity) and joins the superior vena cava at the level of T4.
The inferior phrenic artery supplies the inferior surface of the __________.
pectoralis muscles and deltoid muscle:artery
thoracoacromial artery
anterior arm muscles:artery
brachial artery
lateral anterior forearm muscles:artery
radial artery
latissimus dorsi muscle; dorsal and ventral scapular regions:artery
subscapular artery
breast artery
lateral thoracic artery
fingers artery
digital arteries
A blockage in the external iliac artery would impair blood flow to the __________.
muscles of the thigh and leg
If capillaries fail to develop in a certain location, this condition is called an __________.
arteriovenous malformation
Veins entering the right atrium include the __________.
superior and inferior venae cavae and the coronary sinus
ascends through the anterolateral side of the arm and ends inferior to the clavicle, where it joints the axillary vein
The cephalic vein is a superficial vein
Methods by which veins counteract low venous pressure and help move the blood back to the heart include __________.
valves and the skeletal muscle pump
liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, and stomach
celiac trunk
most of the small intestines and proximal half of the large intestine
superior mesenteric artery
adrenal glands :artery
suprarenal arteries
distal half of the large intestine :artery
inferior mesenteric artery
kidneys :artery
renal arteries
anterior abdominal wall, pelvic organs, and lower limbs :artery
common iliac arteries
The gonadal arteries are specifically called __________ arteries in males.
If the __________ pulse is absent, it may indicate atherosclerosis in the femoral artery.
The __________ vein returns oxygenated blood to the fetus, delivering some of it to the portal vein for nutrient processing by liver cells.
Which veins most often provide emergency pathways through which blood can return to the heart in portal hypertension?
veins of the inferior esophagus, hemorrhoidal veins of the anal canal,
and superficial veins of the anterior abdominal wall
What is the most dangerous symptom (and risk) of portal hypertension brought about by cirrhosis of the liver?
bursting of veins in the inferior esophagus
Which of the following are branches of the celiac trunk?
eft gastric, splenic, common hepatic, and left gastroepiploic arteries superior pancreaticoduodenal, right gastroepiploic, and
gastroduodenal artery
The diameter of arterioles is regulated by __________.
local factors in tissues signaling smooth muscle cells to contract or relax
Which of the following is true of atherosclerosis or its treatment?
accumulation of foam cells initiates the fatty streak stage vessel walls expand outward at first to accommodate plaques