Chapter 20 - Mast Cell Tumors Flashcards
What is the most common cutaneous tumor in dogs and second most common in cats?
BCT is the most common cutaneous tumor in cats
Where are mast cells produced,from what lineage do they originate, and where do they mature?
Bone marrow, myeloid lineage, leave BM as immature MC and mature/differentiate at tissues
MC differentiation (BMDMC) is dependent on what growth factor?
Essential for differentiation of CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells into mast cells
What bioactive substances are present in MC granules? What can influence this?
Vasoactive substances: Heparin, histamine
Proteases:tryptase, chymase
CK: TNFa, IL-6
Chemokines: CCL2, CXCL1
Growth factors: VEGF, bFGF
Lipid mediators: Prostaglandin D2, leukotriene 4
Dependent on environment
What proteases are preferentiallypresent in MC granules of the GI tract vs skin?
Skin: both chymase and tryptase
GI: mainly chymase
What chemotherapy drug can cause MC degranulation?
What stains can be used for staining cytoplasmic granules of mast cells when they are not identified with routine stains on both cytology and histopathology?
Gimesia or Wright (Romanowsky stains) and toulidine blue.
What immunohistochemical markers can be used for mast cells?
Flow cytometry?
Positive for vimentin, tryptase and CD117 (KIT)
Other markers: chymase, MCP-1, IL-8
Flow cytometry:
100% CD117+, CD45+, CD44+
82.4% IgE+
Also CD11b+, CD18+, CD34-, CD25-
Name normal important biologic functions of mast cells (4)
Innate system responses
Antiparasite activity
Reactions to insect and spider venoms
Wound healing
Mast cells in dogs exhibithigh degree of sensitivity to which 3 chemical substances?
Polysorbate 80
Cremophor EL
CBMMC can be modulated by what 3 things?
MCT in dogs account for ___% to ___% of all cutaneous tumors.
16 to 21%
Spontaneously regressing MCT have been described in which spp (4)?
Cats, pigs, horses, humans
What is the most common signalment indogs with MCT?
Although most tumors occur in ____ breed dogs, what breeds are at increased risk for MCTs? Lots!
In the predisposed breeds, are they usually benign or malignant? What breed is the exception to this rule?
Older dogs; mean age of8 to 9 years
Mix breed dogs
Increased risk breeds: Brachycephalic breeds, Labradors, Goldens, Cocker Spaniels, Schnauzers, Staffies, Beagles, Rhodesians, Weimaraners, Shar Peis
Behave in a more benign fashion except in Shar Peis, in which they behave aggressively
High risk of high grade tumor development was recently reported in dogs with which characteristics (3)?
The risk of MCT development was reported to be highest in what 2 breeds in descending order?
What was the relative risk in these breeds?
1 Parson Russel Terrier - RR 15
Older, intact, male dogs
What breeds (2)of dogs are reported to develop low grade tumors?
What breeds (2) of dogs have a 2-3 fold increased risk of developing high grade tumors?
Pugs and Boxers
Rottweilers and Shih-tzus
“Environmental” risk factors for MCT development (2)?
Chronic inflammation
Skin irritants
Altered expression of which CDKIs have been identified in dogs with MCT (2)?
p21 and p27 (upregulation)
What chromosomal copy number variations in dogs with MCT have been associated with a shorter ST (7)?
Loss of PTEN and FAS
Gains in MAPK3, WNT5B, FGF, FOXM1, RAD51
A recent study identified that dogs with MCT have higher ___ and lower ___ when compared to healthy controls.
Higher ROS Lower BAP (biological antioxidant potential)
What genetic alteration or epigenetic modification has been described in grade 3 canine MCTs?
Global hypomethylation
What is c-kit?
c-kit is a gene that codes for the tyrosine kinase receptor, KIT
On what cellsis the KIT receptor normally expressed?
Activation of this receptor by SCF induces what changes in the cell (physiologic and molecular) (4)?
Inhibition of KIT receptor results in what?
Hematopoietic stem cells, mast cells, melanocytes
- Differentiation of CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells into mast cells
- Kit dimerization
- Subsequent phosphorylation
- Generation of IC signaling cascadesthat promoteproliferation, differentiation, and maturation of normal mast cells
Inhibition results cBMMC apoptosis
Mutations inthe c-kit gene are found in which exons of dogs with MCT?
Mutations inthis gene results in what?
C-kit gene mutations are reportedly present in ___% to ___% of intermediate and high grade MCT.
Extracellular domain: exons 8 and 9
Transmembrane domain: exon 10
Juxtamembrane domain; exons 11 and 12
SCF ligand-independent activation of KIT and loss of negative KIT regulation -> unregulated/constitutively activated KIT signal transduction
25 to 30%
Mutations in thec-kit gene are linked to what 3 negative clinical behaviors of MCT in dogs?
Increased risk recurrence
Increased risk for metastasis
Worse prognosis
Approximately ___ to ___% of dogs with MCT present with multiple tumors.
11 to 14%
Approximately ___% of cutaneous MCT occur on the trunk and perineal region, ___% on the limbs, and ___% on the head and neck.
50% on trunk and perineal region
40% on the limbs
10% on head and neck
A case series of dogs with primary GI MCT reported that ___% werealive ___ month after first hospital admission, and < ___% were alive ___ months post diagnosis.
What are the most common CS in dogs with primary GI MCT (3)?
40% alive 1m post first hospital admission
<10% alive at 6 months post diagnosis
Vomiting, diarrhea, melena
In dogs, avisceral form of MCT, often referred to as disseminated or systemic mastocytosis, has been documented.
This form of dz is usually preceded by what?
MCT effacement of what organs is commonly observed with this form of dz?
An aggressive primary lesion elsewhere
Abdominal LN, spleen, liver, bone marrow
Pleural and peritoneal neoplastic effusions have been documented
Undifferentiated canine cutaneous MCT, as opposed to differentiated MCT, can have what gross physical and clinical characteristics (4)?
What is their metastatic rate (range)?
Rapid growth
Cause considerable irritation
Can attain a large size
A SQ form of MCT that is soft and fleshy is often diagnosed as what type of tumor?
Describe the phenomenom known as Darier’s sign
Degranulation, erythema, and wheal formation in the tissue surrounding the MCT
Occurs after manipulation and degranulation
GI ulceration has been documented in ___% to ___% of dogs with MCT that undergo necropsy.
35 to 80%
On what receptor does histamine act? What does this result in?
H2 receptors on parietal cells -> increased HCl secretion and decreased gastrin secretion as a result of negative feedback
Measurement of plasma concentrations of what substance are reportedly high in dogs with MCTand may be useful in assessing disease progression?
Dogs with MCT and high plasma histamine concentrations have decreased concentrations of what substance?
What clinical signs can be seen in patients due to MCT degranulation/aggressive dz?
Vomiting, diarrhea, fever, peripheral edema, collapse
What prostaglandin is most likely responsible for hypotension in dogs with MCT?
What 14 prognostic factors have been identified in dogs with MCT?
Grade Stage Location Cell proliferation rate Growth rate DNA ploidy Microvessel density Recurrence Systemic signs Age Breed Sex Tumor size c-kit mutation
How does grade affect prognosis?
Dogs with undifferentiated or high grade tumors typically die of their disease following local therapy alone, whereas those with well-differentiated tumors are usually cured with appropriate local therapy.
This is the MOST CONSISTENT AND RELIABLE prognostic factor
How does stage affect prognosis?
Stages 0 and 1, confined to the skin, without local LN or distant mets, have a better prognosis than higher-stage disease
What locations are associated with the likelihood of high-grade tumors and worse prognosis (3)?
What locations are associated with a grave prognosis (2)?
Better prognosis?
High-grade: Subungual (nailbed), oral, and other mucous membrane sites (oral cavity and perineum/perineal area)
Scrotal,preputial, inguinal - worse prognosis
Visceral or bone marrow - grave prognosis
SQ tumors - better prognosis; extended ST and low recurrence and metastatic rates
What are some factors used to evaluate cell proliferation in MCT?
How does cell proliferation rate affects prognosis?
Relative frequency of AgNORs
% of PCNA
% Ki67 immunopositivity
Predictive of post surgical outcome
How does DNA ploidy affect prognosis (2)?
Aneuploid tumors -> higher stage dz and shorter MST
How does microvessel density affect survival? With what is increased MVD associated (3)?
Higher grade, higher degree of invasiveness, and worse prognosis
How does local recurrence post surgery affect prognosis?
Dogs may carry a more guarded prognosis
How does systemic clinical signs affect prognosis?
What are some clinical signs?
Clinical signs are most commonly associated with what location?
The presence of systemic illness may be associated with higher-stage dz
Vomiting, diarrhea, melena, widespread erythema, edema
Release of vasoactive substancesVisceral location
How does age affect prognosis?
Older dogs may have shorter median DFI when treated with RT than younger dogs
How does breed affect prognosis?
Boxers and other brachycephalic breeds tend to have low to intermediate grade MCT and a better prognosis
How does sex affect prognosis?
Male dogs have a shorter ST vs female dogs when treated with chemotherapy
How does growth rate affect prognosis?
Tumors present for a significant period of time (months to years) w/o significant changes are usually benign vs the opposite
How does tumor size affect prognosis?
Large tumors may be associated with a worse prognosis following surgical removal and/or RT
How does a c-kit mutation affect prognosis (3)?
The presence is associated with a worse prognosis; higher rate of local recurrence, metastasis, and death from dz
What is the most consistent and reliable factor for prognosis in dogs with MCT?
Histologic grade
Overall, ___% to ___% of dogs with well-differentiated (low-grade) tumors and ___% of dogs with intermediate grade tumors experience long-term survival following complete surgical excision.
80 to 90% of low grade
75% of intermediate
Overall, the metastatic rates for undifferentiated (high-grade) tumors ranges from ___ to ___%. Most of these dogs die within ___ year.
Undifferentiated tumor met rate: 55 to 96%
1 year
In what order do MCT usually metastasize?
Regional lymph nodes, spleen, liver
Use word document to review following charts: Relative frequency of canine MCT by histologic grade. ST of dogs with sx-treated MCT according to histologic grade
Describe the Patnaik grading system
Grade I - confined to superficial dermis, round and monomorphic cells arranged in rows or small groups, distinct cytoplasms and medium-sized granules, condensed chromatin, absent nucleoli, absent to minimal edema/necrosis, 0 mitotic figures/HPF
Grade II - infiltrate lower dermal, SQ tissues, or muscle, round to ovoid moderately pleomorphic cells arranged in groups with thin fibrovascular stroma, moderate to highly cellular, most have distinct cytoplasm with fine granules, but some may be indistinct and have large granules, indented nucleus, 1 nucleolus, some double nuclei, areas of diffuse edema/necrosis, rare MI 0-2/HPF
Grade III - replace SQ and deep tissues, round, ovoid, or spindle shaped pleomorphic cells that have indistinct cytoplasm granules, common bizarre and multinucleated cells, indented to round nucleus with 1 or > prominent nucleoli, arranged in closely packed sheets, common edema, hemorrhage, and necrosis, MI >2/HPF
Describe the two-tier Kiupel grading system
High grade:
7 or > mitoses/10hpf
3 or > mutinucleated (3 or > nuclei) cells/10hpf
3 or > bizarre nuclei/10hpf
Karyomegaly where at least 10% of cells vary by 2-fold
According to Patnaik studies, what % of dogs have low, intermediate, and high grade MCT?
Low grade 36%
Intermediate 43%
High grade 20%
MST not reached in these studies
Overall, what % of dogs with grade I, II, and III are reported to be alive 1 and 4 years post-surgical resection?
1 year post:
Grade I - 100% alive
Grade II - 92% alive
Grade III - 46% alive
4 years post:
Grade I - 93%
Grade II - 44%
Grade III - 6%
When using the Patnaik grading system, what % of dogs with low grade (grade I and II) tumors die from their disease due to inaccurate grading?
15 to 30%
In a series of 95 dogs evaluated by both the Patnaik and Kiupel grading systems, which system was better at predicting dogs that would die of their disease?
Although the gold standard has historically beenthe Patnaik system, theKiupel system was better in this study
What is Ki67 and how has it been associated with MCT behavior (3)?
Nuclear protein that accurately correlates with cell proliferation.
Ki67 has been associated with grade and survival time
- Higher score in dogs that die from their dz vs those that survive
- Grade II tumors with a higher score have a shorter ST
- Difference in Ki67 score depending on grade
When evaluating the relationship between proliferation indices and grade II canine MCT using the Patnaik system, how has Ki67 been associated with ST (3)?
Ki67 of >1.8 = shorter ST and an estimated MST of 395d vs <1.8 = longer ST, MST not estimable
≥ 93Ki67 positive nuclei/1,000 tumor cells more likely to die form their disease
Ki67 of >0.01 associated with higher risk of death
What histologic staincan be used to determine the presence of argyrophilic nucleolar organizing regions (AgNORs)?
Silver colloid
In a study of dogs with cutaneous MCTs, ___ was more predictive of biologic behavior and post-surgical prognosis when compared to histologic grade.
No dogs with an AgNOR score of less than ___ died from tumor related causes.
AgNOR score
What proliferation marker is the least reliable? Most reliable?
PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen) - estimates proliferating fraction of cells in S phase
AgNOR - reflects proliferative capacity and speed; most reliable but hard to standardize
What is the only marker of proliferation that does not require special stains?
Mitotic index (number of mitosis/10 HPF); uses hematoxylin and eosin
Define mitotic index
Number of mitotic figures/10 HPF
A mitotic index of 5 has been used as a prognostic cut-off for Patnaik graded tumors.
Regardless of grade, what is the MST of dogs with MCT that have a MI of ≤5 vs those with a MI of >?
What is the MST of dogs with grade III MCT that have a MI of ≤5 vs those with a MI of >5?
MI of ≤5 MST of 70 months
MI of >5 MST of 2 months
Grade III:
MI of ≤5 MST not reached
MI of >5 MST <2m
A study evaluating DNA ploidy using flow cytometry in dogs with MCT suggested what trends (2)?
Aneuploid tumors - shorter survival time and higher clinical stage vs diploid tumors
What KIT receptor staining patterns have been associated with a more negative prognosis?
- Diffuse cytoplasmic
- Focal perinuclear to stippled cytoplasmic w/dec membrane staining
Associated with increased recurrence and shorter ST
What negative prognostic factors have have been identified in dogs with c-kit gene mutations (3)?
Increased rate of local recurrence, metastasis, and death from dz
Studies have attempted to evaluate correlations between histologic grade and Ki67, PCNA, AgNOR, and c-kitimmunohistochemical scoring. What significant correlations were demonstrated?
High Ki67, PCNA, AgNOR scores all positively correlated with tumor grade
No significant correlation for c-kit scoring and grade
Approximately ___ to ___% of dogs with MCT in the muzzle present with regional LN metastasis.
What is the MST of dogs with muzzle MCT that receive therapy and of those withregional LN metastasis?
What therapy modality may improve survival in these dogs? DFI?
What are 2 identified independent factors for survival?
50 to 60%
MST 30 months; if LN mets 14 months
Cytoreductive sx for primary tumor and RT to tumor and LN beds; DFI in these 1240d
Tumor grade - grade II lived longer than grade III
Presence of metastasis - 7.7x increased risk of death
The prognosis in dogs with SQ MCT is favorable.
What is the metastatic rate, recurrence rate, and negative prognostic indicators in dogs with SQ MCT?
What are the 2 and 5 year survival probabilities?
Met rate 4%
Recurrence rate 8%
2-yr survival probability 92%
5-yr survival probability 86%
Dec survival associated with a MI >4, infiltrative growth pattern, presence of multinucleation
Conjunctival MCT have a ___ prognosis. A study of 32 dogs showed that ___% were disease free at a median of ___ months post surgery.How many dogs died of MCT dz?
Good prognosis
47% dz free at 21.4m (~2yrs) post sx
No dogs died of MCT dz
Describe the older MCT staging system
0 - one tumor incompletely excised from the dermis w/o LN involvement
I - one tumor confined to the dermis w/o regional LN mets
II - one tumor confined to the dermis w/regional LN mets
III - multiple dermal tumors; large orinfiltrating tumors, with or w/o regiona; LN mets
IV - any tumor with distant mets
These can be subclassified as 1. w/o systemic clinical signs or as 2. w/systemic clinical signss
What is the effect of LN mets on prognosis in dogs with MCT? On what does it depend?
Not clearly established. Can do well with therapy. Depends on the grade of the tumor and tx; if intermediate, good prognosis, if high grade, poor prognosis.
In one study, LN wasmetsnegative prognostic factor for survival and DFI.
Another study - intermediate grade tumors w/LN metstx with cytoreductive sx andRT to tumor site and LN achieved long-term survival.
Another study - intermediate grade tumors with LN mets tx with sx and chemo may have good prognosis.
What was the DFI in a study of dogs with grade II MCT and regional LN mets that were treated with cytoreductive sx of the primary tumorand RT of tumor site and LN involved?
Median DFI - 1,240 days (3.3 yrs)
What is the MST in dogs with visceral MCT? Metastatic sites to which locations negatively affect survival?
90 days
Liver, spleen; MST 30d
What gross tumor characteristics have been associated with a worse prognosis?
Tumor ulceration, eruthema, pruritus
Prior to surgical excision of a MCT, what staging tests are warranted?
Depends on whether it is amenable to surgical excision or not and if NPI are identified on PE.
If amenable and no negative prognostic indicators present, nothing else besides regional LN cytologyis needed.
If negative prognostic indicators present or tumor not amenable to wide surgical excision, abdominal ultrasound +/- liver and spleen asp
In a study of 56 healthy beagles, what % of LN aspirates contained mast cells?
What was the mean number of mast cells per slide?
What cytologic feature may be concerning for metastasis?
6.4 cells/slide
Usually single; clustering and aggregates more worrisome
When staging dogs with cutaneous MCT or STS, the extent of local invasion can be upgraded in ___% of the cases when using US and ___% when using CT.
19% with US
65% with CT
How many mast cells in the buffy coat is consistent with systemic mastocytosis?
Peripheral mastocytosis can be seen with which conditions?
1-90 mast cells/uL
They SHOULD NOT be in circulation in a normal dog
Can be seen with acute inflammatory dz, especially parvo, inflammatory skin dz, regenerative anemia, neoplasia other than MCT, trauma
Because of this, no longer a part of staging exams
In dogs with MCT, the incidence of BM infiltration at presentation ranges from ___ to ___%.
Overall reported BM infiltration is ___%.
At presentation 3 to 20%
Overall 4.5%
In dogs with visceral MCT, the buffy coat has mast cells in ___% of the cases and in BM aspirates, ___% of the cases.
40% - buffy coat
60% - bone marrow
What surgical margins are ideal to obtain in dogs with cutaneous MCT?
3 cm lateral margins 1 fascial plane deep - historical and recommended for high grade tumors
1-2cm lateral margins may be sufficient in small and low grade tumors
Modified proportional margins approach: lateral margins equal to the widest diameter of the tumor and 1 fascial plane deep
What is the overall recurrence of incompletely excised MCT post surgery?
20 to 30%
After excision or fixing a tumor with formalin, margins can shrink up to what % of cases (range)?
17 to 30%
What is recommended prior to surgery for tumors that are not amenable to wide surgical resection, such as distal extremities?
Biopsy to determine how best tx needed
When RT is used as primary therapy in dogs wtih MCT, doses between 40 to 50Gy result in 1-year control rates of approximately ___%
Best therapy combo to achieve local control for dogs with MCT that are not amenable to wide surgical resection? Second option?
Surgery and RT #1
Surgery and chemo #2 - if RT not available or unaffordable
When surgery is combined with RT to achieve stage 0 disease in dogs with incompletely excised low to intermediate grade tumors, 2-year control rates of ___ to ___% can be achieved.
85 to 95%
What is the response rate of single agent prednisone in dogs with intermediate and high grade MCT?
ORR, CR, PR? Dose used?
Range of duration of response?
1mg/kg daily pred dose
ORR 20 to 75%
CR 4%
PR 16-60%
In 5 dogs: range 3 to 7.5m and 1 dog >28 mo
A recent study found that response to corticosteroids was dependent on what 5 things?
Expression of glucocorticoid receptor - low expression low response (and viceversa), and lower stage, grade, pattern of KIT expression and KI67
According to recent studies, are single-agent or multi-agent protocols better in dogs with measurable MCT?
What protocol has been shown to provide the best response?
ORR, CR, PR with this protocol?
Median response duration?
MST if CR vs PR?
For the most part, how is the response to bulky MCT when treated with chemo?
Multi agent CCNU/VBL
ORR 64%, CR 30%, PR 35%
Median response duration 7m
MST if CR 140d vs 66d if PR
What is the ORR in dogs with measurable MCT treated with vincristine?
ORR 7% (2 dogs had a PR)
What is the ORR, CR,PR, and median PFI (response duration) in dogs with measurable MCT treated with vinblastine?
What % developed grade 4 neutropenia?
ORR 12 to 27% PR 12 to 23% CR 0 to 4% Response duration: 20 to 80d MTD 3.5 mg/m2 45% develop a grade 4 neutropenia
What is the ORR, CR,PR, and median response duration in dogs with measurable MCT treated with lomustine?
ORR 45%
CR 6%
PR 38%
Responde duration 80d
What is the ORR, CR,PR, and median PFI (response duration) in dogs with measurable MCT treated with prednisone and vinblastine?
MST when used post-operatively for high risk MCT? 1 and 2-year DFI?
Measurable dz: ORR 50% CR 33% PR 13% PFI 154d (5m)
Post operatively: MST 1374 (~4yrs) 70% 1 and 2yr dz free intervals