chapter 20-heart(cardiovscular system) Flashcards
pulmonary circuit
right ventricle -> lungs -> left atrium
systemic circuit
left ventricle -> body -> right atrium
away from the heart
toward the heart
exchange vessels in between
-left of midline, between 2nd rib & 5th intercostal space, posterior to sternum in pericardial cavity in mediastinum
-heart fist-sized, beats 10,000 times/day, 8000L of blood
-surrounded by pericardium (serous & fibrous layers)
serous membrane of the heart
visceral & parietal secretes pericardial fluid, reduce friction
inflammation of pericardium, usually due to infection, causes friction
cardiac tamponade
buildup of fluid in pericardial space restricts heart movement
2 atria (2 chambers of the heart)
-superior, thin walls, smooth posterior walls internally, pectinate muscles (ridges) anteriorly
-each has expandable flap called an auricle lateral & superior
-separated by interatrial septum
2 ventricles (2 chambers of the heart)
-inferior, thin walls, lined with trabeculae carneae (muscular ridges)
-left & right separated by interventricular septum
-left ventricle 3x thicker, 5x more friction while pumping, round shape
-right ventricle crescent shape, same volume as left
external divisions of heart
-coronary sulcus marks division between atria & ventricles
-anterior interventricular sulcus & posterior interventricular sulcus mark division between ventricles
epicardium (heart wall of the heart)
-visceral pericardium
-serous membrane with loose CT attached to myocardium
myocardium (heart wall of the heart)
-cardiac muscle tissue with CT, vessels & nerves
endocardium (heart wall of the heart)
-simple squamous epithelium lining with basal lamina, continuous with endothelium of blood vessels
muscle cells
cardiac muscle tissue
-uses actin & myosin sliding filaments to contract
-rich in mitochondria, resists fatigue, dependent on aerobic respiration
-contraction all or none
-longer contractile phase
-fibrous skeleton of heart (tough CT) acts as tendon
heart valves
one way, prevent backflow
gap junctions + desmosomes =
intercalated discs that connect cardiocytes
atrioventicular valves (heart valves)
between atria & ventricles (flaps = cusps)
tricuspid valve
right atrium -> right ventricle, 3 cusps
bicuspid (mitral) valve
left atrium -> left ventricle, 2 cusps
-attached to chordae tendineae from papillary muscles on ventricle wall
-contraction of papillary muscles prevent cusps opening backward during ventricle contraction
-hang loose when ventricle not contracting, allow ventricles to fill with blood
semiluniar valves (heart valves)
-between ventricles & arteries
-3 cusps
-no chordae tendineae or muscles
-forced open by blood from ventricular contraction
-snap closed to prevent backflow
valvular heart disease
valve function deteriorates to extent that heart can’t maintain adequate circulation
- ex: rheumatic fever
rheumatic fever
childhood reaction to streptococcal infection, chronic carditis, VHD in adults
heart murmur
leaky valve, born with
mitral valve prolapse
murmur of left AV valve, cusps don’t close properly, blood regurgitates back into left atrium
congestive heart failure (CHF)
decreases pumping efficiency (diseased calves, damaged muscle, blood backs up, fluid leaks from vessels & collects in lungs and tissues
blood flow through the heart: pulmonary circuit (right side)
deoxygenated blood -> superior vena cava (head, neck, upper limbs, chest) or inferior vena cava (trunk, viscera, lower limbs) -> right atrium -> tricuspid valve -> right ventricle -> pulmonary semilunar valve -> pulmonary trunk -> right pulmonary arteries -> right lung -> right pulmonary veins
blood flow through the heart: systemic circuit (left side)
pulmonary trunk -> left lung -> pulmonary veins -> O2 & CO2 -> left atrium -> bicuspid valve -> left ventricle -> aortic semilunar valve -> ascending aorta -> aortic arch -> brachiocephalic trunk, left common carotid artery, left subclavian artery (head, neck shoulders, upper limbs) or descending aorta (trunk, viscera, lower limbs)
fetal heart (adapted to bypass lungs)
- foramen ovale in right atrium, ~25% of blood bypass directly to left atrium: closes at birth -> fossa ovalis
-ductus arteriosus connects pulmonary trunk to aorta, ~90% of blood bypasses lungs, closes at birth -> ligamentum arteriosum
cyanosis “blue baby syndrome”
failure of the foramen ovale & ductus arteriosus of the fetus’s heart to close, leading to poor oxygenation of blood
coronary circulation
-heart: <1% body mass, requires 5% of blood
-too thick for diffusion
-coronary arteries -> capillary beds for diffusion
-blood returns via cardiac veins that empty into right atrium
coronary arteries
originated at base of ascending aorta, brach to capillary beds for diffusion (4 major coronary arteries)
coronary artery disease (CAD)
partial or complete block of coronary circulation, results in coronary ischemia
myocardial infarction (heart attack)
heart tissue denied oxygen dies
-can be from CAD
angina pectoralis
pain the chest, especially during activity, as a result of ischemia
-common symptom of CAD
coronary bypass surgery
use healthy veins (from legs) to create anatomizes around blockages
heart beat
-1% myocardial cells autorhythmic
-depolarization transmitted to other myocardial cells through cardiac conduction system
-cells of nodes can’t maintain resting membrane potential, drift to depolarization
autorhythmic (heart beat)
depolarize without neural or endocrine stimulation
sinoatrial (SA) node (heartbeat conduction)
right atrium wall near superior vena cava
- “natural pacemaker”