Chapter 20: EYe Flashcards
____ may occur if the choroid fissure fails to close. Normally, this fissure closes during the seventh week of development. When it does not, a cleft persists
Although such a cleft is usually in the iris only ____ it may extend into the ciliary body, the retina, the choroid, and the optic nerve
coloboma iridis
Mutations in the ____ gene have been linked with optic nerve colobomas and may play a role in the other types as well
The ____ may persist instead of being resorbed during formation of the anterior chamber
iridopupillary membrane
Renal defects also occur with mutations in PAX2 as part of the ____
renal coloboma syndrome
____cause the lens to become opaque during intrauterine life
Congenital cataracts
many children born to mothers who had rubella [____] between the fourth and seventh weeks of pregnancy had cataracts
German measles
If the mother is infected after the seventh week of pregnancy, the lens escapes damage, but the child may have hearing loss as a result of cochlear abnormalities. Because of the __ [measles, mumps, and rubella] vaccine, congenital rubella syndrome has been nearly eradicated in the United States
____ [absence of the lens] and aniridia [absence of the iris are rare anomalies that result from disturbances in induction and development of tissues responsible for formation of these structures
Congenital aphakia
The ____ may persist to form a cord or cyst. Normally, the distal portion of this vessel degenerates, leaving the proximal part to form the central artery of the retina
hyaloid artery
ln ____, the eye is too small; the eyeball may be only two-thirds of its normal volume. Usually associated with other ocular abnormalities, can result from intrauterine infections, such as cytomegalovirus and toxoplasmosis
___ is absence of the eye. In some cases, histological analysis reveals some ocular tissue. The defect is usually accompanied by severe cranial abnormalities
___ [single eye] and ___ [fusion of the eyes] comprise a spectrum of defects in which the eyes are partially or completely fused
Cyclopia - synophthalmia
Mutations in ___ result in aniridia and may also contribute to anophthalmia and microphthalmia
These defects are invariably associated with a brain defect called ____, in which the cerebral hemispheres are partially or completely merged into a single telencephalic vesicle
Factors associated with holoprosencephaly include alcohol, maternal diabetes, mutations in ____, and abnormalities in cholesterol metabolism that may disrupt ___ signaling