Chapter 20- Biotechnology Flashcards
DNA molecules formed when segments of DNA from two different sources
Recombinant DNA
The manipulation of organisms or their components to make useful products
The direct manipulation of genes for practical purposes
Genetic engineering
Method if preparing well defined segments of DNA in multiple identical copies
DNA cloning
Small circular DNA molecules that replicate separately from bacterial chromosome
Enzyme that cut DNA molecules at a limited number of specific locations
Restriction enzyme
Resulting double stranded restriction fragment having at least one single stranded end
Sticky ends
A DNA molecule that can carry foreign DNA into a host cell and replicate there
Cloning vector
Complementary DNA is resulting double stranded DNA made in virtro using mRNA as template for first strand
Complementary molecule, a short single-stranded nucleic acid that can be either RNA or DNA
(Nucleic acid) probe
A brief electrical pulse applied to a solution containing cells creates in their plasma membrane in which DNA can enter
Technique where any specific target sequence can be quickly amplified ( copied many times) into test tube
Technique that uses a gel made if a polymer such as polysaccharide an acts as a sleeve to separate nucleic acids Or proteins basis of size, charge and properties
Gel electriohoresis
A method to detect and measure the expression of thousands of genes alone
DNA microarray
Method or silencing expression of selected genes
RNAi RNA interference