chapter 20 Flashcards
An exaggerated immune response to any substance
Allergic reaction
Substance made by the body: released in anaphylaxis
High-pitched, whistling breath sound usually resulting from blockage of the airway and typically heard on expiration
Multiple raised areas on the skin that itch or burn
Harsh, high-pitched inspiratory sound, usually resulting from upper airway obstruction
Substance that causes an allergic reaction
Raised, swollen area on the skin resulting from an insect bite or allergic reaction
A poison or harmful substance
Steps for assisting a patient with administration of an EoiPen include:
taking body substance isolation precautions
Which of the following is NOT one of the five common allergen categories?
Anaphylaxis is not always life threatening, but it typically involves:
multiple organ systems
Signs and symptoms of insect stings or bites include all of the following, EXECPT:
- swelling
- ecchymosis
- localized heat
- wheals
Prolonged respiratory difficulty can cause______,shock, and even death.
Speed is essential because in sever cases of anaphylaxis, _____ can occur rapidly
Questions to ask when obtaining a history from a patient appearing to have an allergic reaction include:
How the patient was exposed
The dosage of epinephrine in an adult EpiPen is:
Epinephrine, whether made by the body or by a drug manufacturer, work rapidly to:
relieve bronchospasm
Because the stinger of the honeybee is barbed and remains in the wound, it can continue to inject venom for up to:
20 minutes
You should not use tweezers or forceps to remove an embedded stinger because:
squeezing may cause the stinger to inject more venom into the wound
Your assessment of the patient experiencing an allergic reaction should include evaluations of all of the following EXCEPT the:
- respiratory system
- circulatory system
- skin
- reproductive system
reproductive system
Eating certain foods, such as shellfish or nuts, may result in a relatively_______reaction that still can be quite severe
In dealing with allergy-related emergencies, you must be aware of the possibility of acute______and cardiovascular collapse
airway obstruction
Wheezing occurs because excessive______and mucus are secreted into the bronchial passages
allergic reactions can occur in response to almost any substance
An allergic reaction occurs when the body has an immune response to a substance
Wheezing is a high-pitched breath sounds, usually resulting from blockage of the airway, and is heard on expiration
For a patient appearing to have an allergic reaction, give 100% oxygen via nasal cannula
Wheezing, a high-pitched, whistling breath sound that is typically heard on______
Small areas of generalized itching or burning that appear as multiple, small, raised areas on the skin are called______
The stinger of the honeybee is ______so the bee cannot withdraw it
a reaction involving the entire body is called_______
The presence of ______ or respiratory distress indicates that the patient is having sever enough allergic reaction to lead to death
hypo perfusion
Epinephrine inhibits the allergic reaction by constricting the ___ ____
blood vessels
Your ability to recognize and manage the many signs and symptoms of allergic reactions may be the only thing standing between a patient and ____ _____
imminent death
Substances released by the immune system that are responsible for many of the symptoms of anaphylaxis, such as vasodilation
Small spots of generalized itching and/or burning that appear as multiple raised areas on the skin
The______ system includes all of the structures and processes designed to mount a defense against foreign substances and disease-causing agents
a poison or harmful substance
a raised, swollen, well-defined area on the skin resulting from an insect bite or allergic reaction
chemical substances that contribute to anaphylaxis
a harsh, high-pitched respiratory sound, generally heard during inspiration, that is caused by partial blockage or narrowing of the upper airway
a substance produced by the body (commonly called adrenaline) and a drug produced by pharmaceutical companies that increase pulse rate and blood pressure
the study of the bodys immune system
the act of injecting venom
An extreme, life-threating systemic allergic reaction that may include shock and respiratory failure
substances that cause an allergic reaction
what’s the proper dose of an EpiPen for a child
List the common side effects of epinephrine
increased blood pressure, tachycardia, pallo, dizziness, chest pain, headache, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, sweating, and palpitations
What are five stimuli that most often cause allergic reaction?
- insect bites and stings
- medications
- plants
- food
- chemicals
What are the steps for administering or assisting with administration of an EpiPen?
- obtain and order from medical control (or follow protocol or standing orders)
- follow standard precautions
- make sure the medication was prescribed for patient
- check for discoloration or expiration of medication
- remove the cap and wipe the thigh with alcohol if possible
- place the tip of the auto-injector against the lateral part of the thigh
- push firmly until activation
- hold the auto-injector in place until the medication is injected(10 seconds)
- remove and dispose
- rub area for 10 seconds
- record time and dose
- reassess and record patients vitals
- consider an additional adminstration (if possible) in 5 minutes if symptoms do not improve
What are the common respiratory and circulatory signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction?
Respiratory- shortness of breath(dysnea); sneezing or itchy, runny nose; chest or throat tightness; dry cough; hoarseness; rapid, noisy, or labored respirations; wheezing and/or stridor
Circulatory-Decreased blood pressure (hypertension), increased pulse(tachycardia),pale skin, loss of consciouness and coma
As you begin to assess a patient suspected of anaphylaxis shock, which of these steps would be done first?
assess and treat for life threats
After assisting with an EpiPen, what is the first thing that should be done?
Place the used EpiPen in a biohazard container
When using the EpiPen auto-injector, do all of the following EXCEPT:
place ice over the injection site
What does the “M” stand for SAMPLE?
Medications-what medications is the patient currently taking?
What does the “P” stand for in SAMPLE?
Past pertinent history