Chapter 2 vocabulary/from notes Flashcards
“Hands” reaching out grabbing messages from other cells.
Cell body
Life support of cell
With the help of the myelin sheath, the axon speeds along the message to the axon terminal
Action potential
- neural impulse
* brief charge that travels down the axon to send the message
Positive ions enter the neuron, makes neuron prone to firing
Negative ions enter the neuron, make the neuron less prone to firing
Minimum amount of energy a neuron needs to fire.
It will fire when it feels ready.
Refractory period
Recharge period, prepared neuron for next firing
Sodium-potassium pump
Pumps out positive ions to prepare for next firing
Junction that connects messages
• synaptic gap, cleft
- “Return to sender”
* if the receiving neuron doesn’t want to, the reuptake us the brake to send to send the message back
Sends message throughout our body
- mood regulation
- hunger, sleep, arousal
- associated with depression and bipolar disorder
- movement
- emotion
- learning
- associated with schizophrenia and Parkinson’s
Acetylcholine (ACh)
- muscle action
- learning
- memory
- associated Alzheimer’s Disease
- similar to serotonin
- alertness
- arousal
- mood
- associated depression and bipolar disorder
GABA (gamma-aminobuturic acid)
- major inhibitory neurotransmitter
- body can’t relax
- associated with seizures, tremors, insomnia
- major exhibitory neurotransmitter
- memory
- oversupply can overstimulate brain
- mimics neurotransmitters
* excites neuron
- blocks neurotransmitters
* inhibits neuron
Name the 2 parts of the nervous system
1) CNS (Central Nervous System)
2) PNS (Peripheral Nervous System)
Name the 2 areas of the CNS (Central Nervous System)
1) brain
2) spinal cord
Name the 2 types of neurons in the PNS (Peripheral Nervous System) and their functions
1) Sensory Neurons - carry incoming info to muscles and glands
2) Motor Neurons - carry outgoing info to muscles and glands
Sensory Neurons
carry incoming info
Motor Neurons
carry outgoing info
Glial Cells
helps with nutrition of neurons
Name the 2 parts of the PNS (Peripheral Nervous System) and their functions
1) Somatic - skeletal control
2) Autonomic -involuntary muscle movements, muscles, and glands
What does the Somatic Nervous System control?
skeletal control
What does the Autonomic Nervous System control?
involuntary movements, muscles, and glands
“cables of the body”
What are the 2 parts of the Autonomic Nervous System?
1) Sympathetic
2) Parasympathetic
Sympathetic Nervous System (Part of the PNS Autonomic)
- stress response
- “fight or flight’
- sympathetic = stress
Parasympathetic Nervous System (Part of ANS Autonomic)
- calms body down after stress
* parasympathetic = peaceful
the highway of the body
Endocrine System
set of glands
Pituitary Gland
- master gland
- secretes hormones
- has a role in puberty
regulates calcium in blood
EEG (electroencephalogram)
for sleep studies
PET scan (positron emission tomography)
- shows what’s going on in the brain
* also measures glucose
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
for concussions and brain trauma
fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging)
measures blood flow and oxygen levels
What is the Limbic System?
associated with emotion: fear, aggression, hunger, and sex
Name the parts of the Limbic System.
1) amygdala
2) thalamus
3) hypothalamus
4) cerebral cortex
5) hippocampus
- fear
* agression
- maintenance
- tells us to eat, drink, body temperature, and emotion control
- governs pituitary gland