Chapter 2: The History Of Physical Therapy And The Physical Therapy Assistant Flashcards
When did physical therapy begin?
Hippocrates was the first Greek physician to do it!
He used exercises for strengthening, massage for healing, and torpedo fish to provide electrical stimulation for headaches.
-he is considered the father of medicine
Aristotle, a Greek philosopher also use massage for fatigue.
Ancient China and 4000 BC used therapeutic exercises as well!
Galen also explained in detail the anatomical connections and benefits of pt
What were the 2 events that brought about the need for physical therapy services (reconstructive therapy)?
- polio : muscle paralysis and disability led to the need for rehab.
- World war 1 : improved medicine led to the survival of soldiers with a need for we have to return to functional lives!
How did physical therapy evolve into a profession? In the early 1900s?
Well the medical department of the US Army created two divisions
- Orthopedic surgery
- And physical reconstruction (pt) which give treatment such as Hydro therapy and massage!
And also in 1917 the US Congress passed legislation to draw soldiers and also rehabilitate all war -injured soldiers
What happened in the formative years to the profession of physical therapy from 1914 to 1920?
They created the first reconstruction aids(early PT)who lead the profession!
Who is Margaret Sanderson? (1917-1922)
Led in recruitment and training of reconstruction aides who were sent to Europe to treat wounded soldiers
Who is Mary McMillan in 1921?
- she was one of the first reconstruction aids, founder and first President of the American physical therapy association (APTA)
- initially there were 274 members from 32 states. This number now exceeds 100,000
More on Mary McMillan? The beginnings of modern PT
- She trained at rehab techniques in Liverpool, England in 1910(Her mother died of tuberculosis and was sent there with relatives)
- Returned in 1915 to US and in 1918 was chief reconstruction aid at Walter Reed Hospital in Massachusetts with the US Army.
- She was appointed to train reconstruction aides at Reed college, Portland, Oregon
- She was the appointed to lead the original group of all women being trained in the role of reconstruction aids
- She performed hydrotherapy, exercises and massage to promote healing
- She published massage and therapeutic exercise in 1921
What is physical rehabilitation?
It’s the process of treatment and education to improve patient’s functional skills and maximize his or her level of independence.
What is a reconstruction aid?
They were the titles given to the first PTs
They initially recruited unmarried young women between the ages of 25 and 40 years old
What happened in the development years? From 1920 to 1940
- -Post World War 1
- Reconstruction aids title replaced by physiotherapist (eventually physical therapists in the US.)
- -Are now performing additional modalities such as:
- Heat
- Cold
- Light
- Electromagnetic Devices
Who is Catherine Worthingham?
She was the first PT with a doctorate degree (anatomy) and a PTA president from 1940 to 1945
What happened in 1941 with Physiotherapy Aides???
They graduated in 6 months from an Emergency Training Course at Walter Reed Hospital!
What happened in 1943?
US Congress passed bill renaming them Physical therapists!
What happened in 1947?
The training increased from 9 to 12 months.
What happened from 1940 to 1970s?
1-WW 11
2-More Polio outbreaks led to need for additional Physical Therapists as they came to be known as in the 1940s.
3-Expanded delivery beyond military and children to service.
In Hospitals/Nursing Homes/ Rehabilitation Centers
What happened specifically in 1954?
-1 Polio was rampant and PTs were called upon to do clinical studies with patients and Jonas Salk’s vaccine.
2-in 1955, 650,000 children were vaccinated, and polio was nearly eradicated
3-minimal educational requirements grows to bachelor degree for PT
Why was there a demand for PTs in the 1960s?
- Medicare and Medicaid were created in 1965 and 66, creating an increased need for PT
- The need for a trained support personnel grew to critical level.
What happened with Medicare in 1967?
-the government assistance for the elderly, added physical therapy to their list of reimbursable skilled services.
What policy did the APTA adopt in 1967 to create PTAs?
-the policy was the training and utilization of the physical therapy assistant outline the role, function, and educational level expectations.
What was approved by the APTA? And in what year?
1-Two programs
2-The first graduates were in 1969
When did the title change from physical therapy assistant to physical therapist assistant?
In 1971 a landmark article establishes factors that PT should take into consideration when deciding what task can be performed by or delegated to the PTA which are?
- Complexity of the task
- decision making versus doing
- and the risks involved in considering predictability and clarity - Patient criticality/stability and severity of consequences if an error is made
- Purpose of the task
- Experience/knowledge base of the PTA
Mastery years and adaptation years 1970 to 1996 what happened? The PT demands continue to increase due to the following governmental changes favoring increased availability in reimbursement for physical therapy services?
- policy changes by OSHA in (occupational safety and health administration/Department of labor)-PT for job/Safety/rehab
- Social Security act-reimbursement for private practice or home health PT services
- Individuals with disabilities education act (IDEA)-PT treatment for disabled children in the schools
What does licensing mean
Physical therapy clinicians required to be licensed
Specialty sections and certifications?
Were initiated, such as sports PT, pediatrics, orthopedics, clinical electrophysiology, etc…
What happened in 1980?
They raise the minimum level of the PT degree to masters
What does direct access mean
Begin with the ability to treat physical therapist patients without a doctors referral
What is the balanced budget act in 1997?
They cut PT funding to less than 1500 per Medicare patients last year (and that was to be divided with speech therapy) resulting in cutting staff due to declining reimbursement
What happened to the physical therapists between 1996-2005?
1-The PT services to Medicare patients had to be delivered by an exact number of minutes so the focus was on time!
2-decline in PT reimbursement resulted in lost jobs (PTAs were affected at an even greater rate :()
3-closing of therapy schools temporary over a few years.
Vision 2020: Autonomous PT practice and direct access
By 2014 all 50 states have some form of the ability to treat patients without a physicians referral
VISION 2020: The doctor of PT degree?
Would be clinically entry-level, occurring much quicker than 2020
Vision 2020: evidence-based practice and professionalism
This would be foundational
Vision 2020: PT Caucus
- 2005
- represents the PTA needs, interests, and APTA governance
What are the Principles of the PTA versus PT?
- Difference in cost and duration of education
- PT 3 year graduate doctorate
- PTA two year associate - Fewer number of prerequisites
- Difference in academic focus
- Perceived difference in the daily time commitments that might be required of the students each program
- More opportunities to treat patients directly versus evaluation/additional paperwork duties
What’s the difference between an associates degree versus a bachelors degree PTA?
- 2009 a PTA board of directors declared the associates degree sufficient for the PTA
- discussion continues to elevate the minimal educational level to better match the level of education and physical therapist
What might a PT utilize the PTA for?
- -their familiarity with the role of the PT and the PTA
- the educational skill set.
- -The PTs comfort level in directing
- providing supervision for the PTA
- The PTAs ability to take responsibility
What is the APTA Definition of PTA???
- -an educated Individual who graduated from a CAPTE accredited program
- works under the direction of a physical therapist
- In accordance with policies and positions
- Delivery of selected interventions
- The only individual that the PT can direct to deliver PT services
What are the core values of professionalism in Physical Therapy?
-Professional Duty
-Social responsibility
What would a membership in APTA include?
-Membership is voluntary and includes PTs,PTAs,PT/PTA students
What is the Mission for an APTA organization??
The mission advances the profession of physical therapy and improve the health of society :-)
What are the four major goals of an APTA??
- Provide members with opportunities to be involved
- Help new members with challenges of starting career
- Improve consistency and availability of care within profession
- Improving physical therapy professional services
Governance at the state level, each state has a chapter of the APTA.
- -19 sections of the APTA for specific interest to be discussed
- -develop such as pediatrics/wound care
2 assemblies:
- the PTA Caucus
- the Student Assembly
House of delegates (DOB)
- Highest policy making body of the APTA
- composed of delegates from all chapters
3.PTs voting and PTAs non-voting.
Board of directors (BOD)
15 members to carry out directives of the HOD (house of Delegates)
Commission on accreditation in physical therapy education (CAPTE)
Assures quality and excellence of all PT/PTA education in schools
American Board of physical therapy specialties (ABPTS)
Coordinate and supervise PT specialty certifications
-specialties include cardiopulmonary, electro physical, geriatrics, neurology, oncology, orthopedics, pediatrics and women’s health
Physical therapy political action committee (PT-PAC)
Promotes PT issues within our governments