Chapter 2 Terms To Know Flashcards
Hippocratic oath
The code of physician ethics attribute it to the Greek physician, but more likely written by his followers in the fourth century BC E. Often believe to be related to a Pythagorean cultic belief system
Hippocratic principal
The core principle of the Hippocratic oath, holding that the physician pledges to benefit his patient according to his ability and judgment and protect the patient from harm
Liberal political philosophy
The dominant commitment of secular society in the United States and most other nations of the west that has its origins in the philosophy of lock, Hobbs, and resell and reaches its most well known political expression in the documents at the founding fathers of the American political system. It stresses the place of the individual and commands respect for the liberty of the individual. It also incorporate a believed in the equality of moral worth of all persons, providing a basis for various concerns about social justice