Chapter 2 - Small Business-decision making Flashcards
Market research
Is a process of systematically collecting, recording and analysing information concerning a specific market.
In business terms, demand is the quantity of a product that consumers are prepared to purchase.
Market conditions
Are the features of a market into which a new product or service is to be introduced, and include factors such as the number of potential customers, level of competition and potential for growth.
Is either creating a new product, service or process, or significantly improving an existing one.
Research and development
(R&D) is a set of activities undertake to: improve existing products, create new products and improve production.
Is the ability and willingness to start, operate and assume the risk of a business venture in the hope of making a profit.
Business entity
A business entity is any organisation engaged in the production of goods and services.
Incorporated business
A business that is incorporated has a separate legal entity from the owner(s).
Sole trader
A sole trader (proprietor) business is a business owned and operated by one person.
Unlimited liability
Means the business owner is personally responsible for all the debts of his or her business.
A partnership is an unincorporated legal business structure with a minimum of two and a maximum of 20 owners.
Silent partner
A silent or sleeping partner contributes financially to the business but takes no part in the running of the partnership.
Is the process that businesses go through to become a registered company and a separate legal entity.
Are the owners of a company
Limited liability
Means that the shareholders in a company cannot be held personally responsible for the debts of that business.
Proprietary company
A proprietary (private) company is an incorporated business with a minimum of two, and a maximum of 50 private shareholders.
Public company
The shares for the public companies are listed on the Australian Securities Exchange, and the general public may buy and sell shares in those companies.
A cooperative is a democratic organisation owned and controlled by the people it serves, who join together for a common benefit.
A trust is a business structure where a trustee (usually a company) holds property or carries out business on behalf of the members of the trust, known as beneficiaries.
Is the monetary value attached to the reputation of a particular business.
A franchise means buying the rights from another business to distribute its products under its name.
A Franchisor is an individual or organisation that grants a franchise.
A franchisee is an individual or organisation that purchases a franchise.
Is a means by which local councils allocate land for different uses, such as residential, commercial recreational and industrial.