Chapter 2 Q research - Conceptual Kader Flashcards
What is a conceptual frame?
why a study is significant and relevant
how the study design (including data collection and analysis methods) appropriately and rigorously answers the research questions.
situates a study within multiple contexts
how you, as the researcher, are located in relationship to the research
Uit welke onderdelen bestaat het CK?
- Onderzoeksinteresse (fenomeen) (zie research questions)
- Doelen
- Contexten
- Jezelf (als onderzoeker)
- Theoretisch kader
- Impliciete theorieën
6 Gestructureerde reflexiviteit
7 Onderzoeksvragen (cf. college III)
9 Onderzoeksbenadering & methodes (cf. colleges IV-V)
Wat zijn de doelen van CK?
- Omlijnende functie (cf. “kader”) - THOUGHT Integration
- “Connective tissue”: Verbindende functie
- Het netwerk van “core constructs” (en relaties tussen die constructen)
- Belang van congruentie tussen verschillende elementen
- Processuele-recursief (eerder dan ‘gestold’ product)
doel thought integration
arguing for the significance of a topic
grounding the topic in its multiple contexts
research questions,
the selection of theories and methods within a methodological framework that makes sense for the topic
with a framework and set of contexts in which you can examine your social location/identity and positionality as it relates to and shapes methodology overall and methods choices specifically.
doel “Connective tissue”: Verbindende functie
to integrate and mobilize your understanding of the various influences on and aspects of a specific research
intentional and systematic process of explicitly connecting the various parts of the study.
> The conceptual framework creates a bridge between the context, theory, both formal and tacit, and the way that the study is structured and conducted
relation to all of these contextualizing and mediating influences.
doel Het netwerk van “core constructs”
Core constructs = concepts, phenomena, and topics—that guide and are at the center of a research study.
These are typically articulated in your research questions;
you seek to study and understand more fully through the research.
These need to be carefully considered - > generate the areas of theory and conceptualization that drive your research study.
doel congruentie tussen verschillende elementen
These parts, or processes, are intentionally placed in relationship to each other & work together in an integrated way to guide research - in an ecosystem
ecosystem = research study is a complex system with multiple parts that are both separate from each other and connected by and within a larger system;
The concept of an ecosystem helps to reveal the interconnectedness and even interdependence of the various component parts of research studies.
types of GOALS
Tacit theory
These tacit theories, which are also called implicit theories
guiding assumptions, working conceptualizations, or “theories in use” - inform the formal theories that researchers invoke and use.
your own theories of how things work
what you believe, how it relates to your socialization into certain biases and assumptions, what perspectives you hold dear as a person, practitioner, scholar, and so on…
informal and even unconscious ways that we all think about, make sense of, and explain the world
important to the integrity and validity of your research!
What is micro and macro context
Research setting (micro!) = a specific place, organization, group, community, or communities and what we think of as the context within the setting = which means who and what aspects of that setting are central to your research
> determine which theories and concepts you will need to consider to investigate the phenomena and stakeholders in focus in ways that help you understand the relevance of the site and setting to the overall topic, goals, and research design
Broader Macro-Sociopolitical Contexts and Conceptual Frameworks
macro-sociopolitics is a combination of the broad contexts— social, historical, national, international, and global—that create the conditions that shape society and social interactions, influence the research topic, and affect the structure and conditions of the settings and the lives of the people at the center of your research (including you)
what is
“rugged contextualization,”
= rigorous pursuit of understanding context at these various levels as well as systematically appreciating how they inform and influence each other.
formal theory
Samenspel tussen theorievorming, dataverzameling en –analyse…
Bijv. Relaties tussen categorieën ontdekken tijdens dataverzameling
…maar ook tussen theorievorming en onderzoeksfenomeen!
Steeds aan uitbreiding/verandering onderhevig (i.e., niet universeel en/of voor alles/altijd geldig)
- Voortdurend recursief process
- Draagt bij aan het begrijpen van het fenomeen dat je wil onderzoeken
- Rol van theorie: testen, gebruiken of genereren (expliciet zijn!)
The theoretical framework is how you weave together or integrate existing bodies of literature—for example, adult learning theory or racial identity development models—to frame the topic, goals, design, and findings of your specific study.
verschil formal theory en literature review
We distinguish a theoretical framework as different from and more focused than a literature review
which is often thought of and described as a product when it is more accurately conceptualized as the artifact of an active meaning-making and integration process.
The literature review is the broader process by which you construct a specific theoretical framework, and this process is not a single moment that produces an artifact, but rather, the review of literature happens throughout the process of conducting research; it is both a guide and a by-product of research
goal formal theory
to help understand what you are studying and why you are studying it.
working expertise that leads you, to speak back to theory and into theoretical debates, even challenging existing theory by exploring it within your research context.
This is a very important point to consider because it sets up any research project not just as derived from or informed by formal theory but potentially as a way to explore, refine, or even refute existing theory
wie of wat te bestuderen bepaalt:
De onderzoeksvraag
(De onderzoeksbenadering)
Welke data verzameld zullen worden
Hoe analyse zal gebeuren
Let op ! Fenomeen =/= Participanten =/= Data
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