Chapter 2; Population Review 2022 Flashcards
What is Demography?
The study of pop. composition
What are CBR and CDR and what do they affect?
CBR is the # of people born each year out of 1000 living, and CDR is the # of people dead. These affect the NIR, and show up on the Demo. Transition model
What are TFR and IMR?
TFR is the number of children a woman is expected to have in her childbearing years, and IMR is the # of infants that die / births.
What does a high IMR say about a country?
It has limited health care
What marks the advancement of a society from stage 1 to 2?
Breakthrough in sanitation allows the CDR to go down, skyrocketing the NIR
What marks the advancement of a society from stage 2 to 3?
Contraceptives and family planning cause the CBR to go down, along with the NIR
picture the stages of the DTM with population pyramids
Stage one starts in a like bird beak shape, 2 is a triangle, it gets rounder and rounder until 5 is a diamond shape
What marks the advancement of a society from stage 4 to potential stage 5?
The NIR goes below zero, CBR is below CDR
Where does 2/3 of the world live?
East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, and Europe
What is the Dependency Ratio? What are the effects of a larger ratio?
of people too young or old to work/ # who can. A larger ratio puts a larger financial burden on workers
What is the Potential Support Ratio?
of young people / # of old people
What do people begin to die of in stage 3 of the Epidemiologic Trans.?
Degenerative Diseases, less pandemics
What is carrying capacity? what kind of density is it based on?
the # of people an area can support based on physiological density
What did Malthus think would happen?
We would run out of resources when the pop. boomed in 1800
Pro-natalist vs Anti- natalist?
Pronatalist is when the govt supports high birth rates, Anti is the opposite
What should TFR be for ZPG?
What are the leading causes of death in developed vs developing countries?
Developed- heart disease, strokes, respiratory; developing = Respiratory, AIDS / HIV, and Sanitation
What are the biggest like things the US spends their money on?
Medicare and Social Security, makes up 70% and skyrocketing
How many people are added to global pop annually, and where is the most growth?
82 million, mostly in LDCs
Countries with more males than females?
China, India, Middle East
What does a high agricultural density say ab a society?
it means they are less developed, because they need more farmers to use the same amount of land