Chapter 2 Part 1: Anxiety Flashcards
Définition of Anxiety by Lewis 1970
«An emotional state, with the subjectively experienced quality of fear as a closely emotion».
Ways we can think of of anxiety today
- a trait
- a state
- a stimulus
- a response
- a drive
- a motivation
3 major aspects of anxiety according Freud’s theory
- 1 )Overt (manifeste) anxiety: due to fear of a real object, and the desire to flee (fuir) an objectively dangerous stimulus.
- 2) neurotic anxiety (more subjective one): perceived threats intrude on the field of consciousness
- 3) Moral anxiety: created by conflicts between Id’s (ça).
Trait-anxiety by Spielberger
Individual’s predisposition to respond in an anxious way.
State-anxiety bySpielberger
Transitory emotion characterized by physiological arousal (excitation) and consciously perceived feelings of apprehension, dread(crainte) and tension.
Anxiety sensitivity (Reiss, 1997)
«A specific propensity to respond fearfully to the sensations of anxiety».
Anxiety disorders in DSM-IV
- Panic disorder*
- Social phobia*
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)*
- A Specific Phobia*
This perspective holds that mental disorders arise when Id, Ego, and Superego are out of balance because of unresolved conflicts and the person encounters (rencontre) additional stress.
Conflicts can lead to reality anxiety (external danger triggers (déclenche) fear), to moral anxiety (demands for moral behavior and self-punishment for moral transgressions), or to neurotic anxiety (id impulses threatening to overwhelm( accabler) ego). To relieve ( soulager/secourir) neurotic anxiety, the Ego may use defense mechanisms; the defense mechanism chosen determines the form of abnormal behavior that is displayed.
Neuroses(névroses) are associated with the overuse of defense mechanisms to control the Id;
psychoses occur when the Ego is so weak that it has no defenses against the Id.
Panic Attack:
a sudden onset (commencement) of intense apprehension, fearfulness( peur), or terror with symptoms such as shortness of breath, palpitations, chest pain, choking or smothering (étouffement) sensation and fear of “going crazy.”
Social Phobia:
extreme anxiety and nervousness triggered by exposure to social or performance situations often leading to avoidant behavior.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Intrusion of recurring obtrusive thoughts (obsessions), which lead to repetitive, unnecessary actions (compulsions) that often become rituals, to regulate the anxiety induced by the thoughts.
Specific Phobia:
extreme anxiety and nervousness triggered by exposure to a specific feared object or situation often leading to avoidant behavior, e.g., fear of snakes.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder:(GAD)
characterized by at least 6 months of persistent and excessive anxiety and worry.
Main features of this’d disorder:
Excessive worry, tendency to anticipate a lot of things and to see everything from the defeatist point of view.
Post traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
re-experiencing of an extremely traumatic event with symptoms of increased arousal and avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma.
Peur du vide
Peur du monde
Sélective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
- Tricyclics
Anti-anxiety drugs
- Benzodiazepine
- azapirone
- Benzoxazine…
How is anxiety treated?
With both medication and psychotherapy
What medication for anxiety?
- antidepressants
- anti-anxiety drugs
- beta-blockers
What kind of psychotherapy to treat anxiety?
- Cognitive-behavioral- therapy have been found very useful.
- Psychoanalysis could be prescribed to help understand the reasons underlying anxiety.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Individuals are encouraged to cope with their anxiety-provoking thoughts by modifying there attitudes ar their thoughts.