Chapter 2: Key Terms Flashcards
adaptive task performance
behaviourally anchored rating scales (BARS)
citizenship behaviour
define civic virtue
define counterproductive behaviour
define courtesy
define creative task performance
define forced ranking
A performance management system that forces managers to rank each of their people into one of three categories: the top 20 percent, the vital middle 70 percent, or the bottom 10 percent
define gossiping
Casual conversations about other people in which the facts are not confirmed as true
define Harassment
Unwanted physical contact or verbal remarks from a colleague
Define helping
Assisting co-workers who have heavy workloads, aiding them with personal matters, and showing new employees the ropes
Define incivility
Communication that is rude, impolite, discourteous, and lacking in good manners
Define interpersonal citizenship behaviour
Going beyond normal job expectations to assist, support, and develop co-workers and colleagues
job analysis
job performance
knowledge work
management by objectives (MBO)
National Occupational Classification (NOC)