Chapter 2 - Genetics and Evolution Flashcards
microscopic structures that contain DNA
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)
long, coiled, threadlike strand consisting of small segments
small segment of DNA that consists the biological instructions for a certain characteristics of part of the body
gene that exists in more then one form
alternative form of a gene that exists in more than one form
trait or characteristic that is under the influence of multiple genes
Monozygotic Twins
twins that develop from single fertilized eggs that, for unknown reasons, has split
Dizygotic Twins
twins that develop from two eggs that independently fertilized by different sperm and vary genetically from one another
Concordance Rate
percentage of two individuals who match one another with respect to the presence of a particular characteristic or condition
Diathesis-Stress Model
genetic vulnerability or predisposition to develop a psychopathological condition
Differential Susceptibility Model
individuals exhibit gene-based differences in their sensitivity or reactivity to the environment
processes that raise or lower gene activity level without altering the genetic sequence
Intra-Sexual Competition
rivalry among the members of one sex, usually for mates or resources
Natural Selection
differential survival and reproduction of organisms with genetic characteristics that enable them to better utilize environmental resources
Environment of Evolutionary Adaptiveness
set of conditions that existed during ancestral time and to which the human body and brain adapted
acting in ways that increase the chances of your own survival and reproductive success at the cost of someone else’s
Inclusive Fitness
reproductive success of both the individual and their close genetic relatives
Cooperative Behaviour
helping non-genetically related individuals will be adaptive, provided the recipient returns the favour
Reciprocal Cooperation
evolutionary adaptive behaviour that involves providing a non-related individual with a benefit on the basis that they will return the favour and thereby increase survival and reproductive success
Cheating Behaviour
accepting a benefit from another without reciprocating the favour
Parenting Effort
proportion of the total reproductive effort invested in rearing offspring
Mating Effort
proportion of total reproductive effort allotted acquiring sexual partners
Frequency-Dependent Strategy
behavioural pattern that produces relatively greater success when its use within a population is rare and a relatively lower success when its use within a population is common