Chapter 2 - Food and Digestion Flashcards
What are nutrients?
chemical substances found in the food we consume
What are the functions of nutrients?
- provides energy
- provide materials for making chemicals needed to make new cells and parts of the body
List the 7 types of nutrients.
protein, carbohydrate, fat, fiber, water, vitamins, minerals
List three types of diseases that are caused by the overtaking of carbohydrates.
high blood sugar level, obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes
List 3 roles of protein.
-helps with blood clotting
-regulates fluid balance
-immune system responses
-creates the structural framework for hormones to
What are 3 diseases when one consumes too much protein?
- blood vessel disorders
- liver and kidney injuries
- seizures
- cardiovascular diseases
What will happen when one consumes not enough protein?
- weak muscle tone
- thin, brittle hair
- skin lesions
- hormone imbalances
- edema/swelling
What does fat do?
protects the skeleton and nerves
What are vitamins?
organic substances present in minute amounts in natural foodstuff
What are the differences between fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins?
fat-soluble - stored in fatty tissues and liver
- reserves stay in the body for days or
water-soluble - do not stay in the body for long
- cannot be stored
- leaves the body via urine
Where is iron present in the body?
hemoglobin, myoglobin, components of certain proteins, ferritin (a protein found in cells that circulates the blood)
What is the importance of iron?
- helps to oxygenate blood
- helps convert blood sugar to energy
- creation of enzymes
- boosts the immune system
- supports healthy skin, hair, nails
Where can we find calcium?
bones, teeth
What are the importance of calcium?
-essential for growth, development, and maintenance
of bone
-regulates muscle contraction
-blood clot
List three deficiency diseases caused by the lack of calcium.
osteoporosis, osteopenia, rickets
What are the differences between osteoporosis, osteopenia, and rickets?
osteoporosis - weak and brittle bones
osteopenia - thin bone (slightly less fragile than
rickets - weak and soft bone
What is the alimentary canal made up of?
mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus
What is the digestive system made up of?
alimentary canal, salivary glands, liver, pancreas
What does the stomach produce to kill micro-organisms in food?
hydrochloric acid
Where is protein broken down?
stomach, small intestine
Where is fat broken down?
mouth, stomach, small intestine
Where is carbohydrate broken down?
small intestine
Where does undigested food go?
It reabsorbs water in the big intestine to form faeces and is stored in the rectum until it is ready to be released through the anus.
What is the liver’s role in the digestive system?
It makes bile.
Where is bile stored?
Bile is stored in the gall bladder.
What does bile do?
It flows into the small intestine when needed and helps with fat digestion.
List the four types of teeth.
incisors, canines, premolars, molars
How many teeth are there in milk teeth and permanent teeth respectively?
milk teeth - 20 teeth
permanent teeth - 32 teeth
What are enzymes?
a substance that speeds up chemical reaction but remains unchanged at the end of the reaction
Why is it necessary to speed up chemical reactions?
It is so that it happens quickly enough to supply the cells with its requirements.
What are substrates?
substance that binds to the enzyme
What is the active site of an enzyme?
the part of the enzyme that binds to the substrate