Chapter 2: Finding & Reading Evidence Flashcards
Boolean operator
words used in a database search for relating key terms, AND, OR, and NOT.
an organized collection of digital data – a compilation of the evidence within a searchable structure.
impact factor
based on the yearly average number of times articles in that particular journal are cited in other articles.
institutional animal care and use committee
guidelines require authors to indicate the ethical board that approves the research, this involves animal subjects.
institutional review board
guidelines require authors to indicate the ethical board that approves the research, this involves human subjects.
requires that data be collected over at least two time points & typically covers an extended period of time such as several years or decades.
peer-review process
used by scholarly journals to ensure quality.
primary source
most reliable information; has not been interpreted or summarized by others.
publication bias
findings that lean toward positive outcomes.
secondary source
documents or publications that interpret or summarize a primary source.