Chapter 2: Expeditionary Medicine Administration Flashcards
Manual of the Medical Department, NAVMED P-117
a Corpsman duties will include the maintenance of various logs and the preparations of reports
forms and reports management rogram
reports to the OOD
all important occurrences are reported by the Senior Medical Department Rep to the OOD for entry into the duty log or journal of the command
items that need to be reported to the OOD
severe injuries, conditions that can affect health of the crew, and damage or loss of medical or dental equipment.
reports directly to the CO and OOD
the name of patients in serious condition with necessary info for notification of patients NOK
Department of the Navy Correspondence Manual– it provides a medium for the special occurrences that might need to be reconstructed in detail at a later time.
an administrative management tool that tracks the medical and dental readiness of Navy and Marine Corps. Also used to track supply inventory, log preventative med inspections, report and recieve radiation exposure data, and manage medical training.
Medical readiness reporting system (MRRS)
an administrative management tool that is used to track the medical and dental readiness of every active duty and reserve Sailor or Marine. an internet based communication program that allows for health care providers to update a member’s readiness regardless of the member’s permanent duty station
Central Data Repository(CDR) and Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System(DEERS)
gateways that allow SAMs and MRRS to communicate and share information
sick call treatment log
contains each patient’s reporting date and time, name, rate, division, c/c, diagnosis, treatment, and disposition.
training log
maintained in SAMs, entries should include the date, title of lecture, division of personnel attending, duration of lecture and the number of officers, chiefs and e-6 and below attending. location may be necessary to put into logbook.
shipboard medical procedures
potable water log
purpose is to record the readings of daily residual chlorine or bromine levels and the weekly bacteriological examinations required on potable water abroad ship and in the field
Manual of Naval Preventive Medicine
work center pms manual
was developed to meet the need to record, report, and evaluate the maintenance requirements of the fleet and provide the organizational level with the tools to plan, schedule, and control planned maintenance. provides all maintenance and material managers throughout the Navy with a means to plan, acquire, organize, control, and evaluate the manpower and material resources expended or planned for expenditure in support of maintenance. manually reflects the planned maintenance requirements for a particuar work center such as medical or dental
ships’ maintenance and material management system– provides guidance for the program.
HM in a admin billet
will be responsible for maintaining the commands files and Navy directives, draft and type correspondence, maintain directives and logs, submit reports and efficiently file correspondence so that it may be retrieved quickly
Navy Directive Insurance System
the two basic types of directives
permanent and temporary
Permanent directives
regulate administration, establish policy, delegate authority, and assign a mission function or task
Temporary directives
are normally issued as a notice to request comments or approval, and announce information such as a change of command or education and promotion opportunities.
how long can notices remain in effect
no longer than one year
change transmittals
is used to issue notices and changes to instructions. describes the nature of the change and gives directions for making it.
Department of the Navy Correspondence Manual
standard subject identification code
SECNAV M-5510.36
department of the navy information security program
department of the navy standard subject identification codes
1000 series
Military personnel
2000 series
3000 series
operations and readiness
4000 series
5000 series
general administration and management
6000 series
medicine and denistry
7000 series
financial management
8000 series
ordnance material
9000 series
ships design and material
10000 series
general material
11000 series
facilities and activities ashore
12000 series
civilian personnel
13000 series
aeronautical and astronautical material
16000 series
coast guard missions
primary subjects
designated by the last three digits of the code number
secondary subjects
designated by the last 2 digits of the code number
tertiary subjects
designated by the last digit of the code number
the process of determining the correct subject group or name-title under which correspondence should be filed and any subordinate subjects that should be cross-referenced.
the proper method to subject-classify a document
the proper method to subject-classify a document so it can readily be identified and found when needed is to read it carefully, analyze it, and then select the SSIC that most closely corresponds to the subject of the document
department of the navy records management program. provides guidence for records maintenance, use, and disposition. Is designed to retain records that are needed to excute the mission and dispose of records that have expired.
disposal of records
if the HM is in doubt about that disposal of certain records, superiors should be consulted to determine the course of action to take
what is the mission of the medical and dental departments
to provide care to sailors of navy ships and units that they are assigned, and to prevent and treat disease and injuries
how to accomplish the mission of medical and dental departments
to accomplish the mission, medical and dental personnel must keep themselves informed of planned operations and anticipate any possible demands placed upon them or the members under their care
Individual Medical Readiness(IMR)
a continuous process; must be monitored and reported on a regular basis to provide service leaders and operational commanders the ability to ensure a healthy and fit fighting force
periodic health assessment for individual medical readiness; includes: individual medical equiptment, immunizations, readiness lab studies, deployment limiting conditions, PHA, dental readiness
Periodic Health Assessment
used to review and correct andy IMR dieficiencies. provides the opprotuntity to assess changes in a member’s health on an annual basis that could potentially impact the ability to perform mmilitary duties and deploy worldwide
Dental class one
No dental treatment is needed
Dental class two
an oral condition, if not treated, does not have the potential to become an emergency in the next 12 months
Dental class three
any oral condition that will result in an emergency within the next 12 months
Dental class four
an individual who needs a dental exam or has oral conditions that are unknown
dental class three and four
any member that is in class 3-4 is considered non-deployable and go to the head of the line for treatment prior to deployment
deployment limiting conditions
to be considered deployable, the service member should not be on limited duty or undergoing anytype of Physical Evaluation Board or Medboard
Battalion Aid Station
Used to provide direct support to company and platoon corpsman, and provide advanced trauma life support under fire
FMF medical support
combat personnel, providing medical and inital first aid to prepare the sasuality for further evacuation. support personnel, providing surgical and medical aid to those who need early definitive care and cannot be further evacuated
what is the primary mission for the medical battalion
to provide casualty collection, emergency treatment, temp hospitalization, specialized surgery, and evacuation
FMF dental support
mission is to ensure that combat effectiveness of the FMF by providing comprehensive dental services. in an emergency environment, the dental battalion’s primary misson is emergency care to ensure long term dental health maintenance
Fleet hospitals
used to provide medical support during intense combat operations and in lengthy low-intensity scenarios
Specila warfare qualifications
a warfare qual signifies that sailors are competent in their rate and have aquired additional knowledge that enhances their understanding of war fighting, mission effectiveness, and command survivability