Chapter 2: Ethnography/Participant Observation Flashcards
a naturalistic method based on studying people in their own environment in order to understand the meanings they attribute to their activities; also, the written work that results from the study
participant observation
a methodology associated with ethnography whereby the researcher both observes and becomes a member in a social setting
a positive relationship often characterized by mutual trust or sympathy
field notes
detailed notes taken by an ethnographer describing their activities and interactions, which later become the basis of the analysis
a form of participant observation in which the feelings and actions of the researcher become a focal point of the ethnographic study
thick description
the presentation of detailed data on interactions and meaning within a cultural context, from the perspective of its members
how the identity and activities of the researcher influence what is going on in the field setting
grounded theory
an inductive method of generating theory from data by creating categories in which to place data and then looking for relationships among categories