Chapter 2: Ethics for It Workers and IT Users Flashcards
Acceptance Use Policy
A document that stipulates restrictions and practices that a user must agree in order to use organizational computing and network resources.
Audit Committee
A group that provides assistance to the board of directors in fulfilling its responsibilities with respect to the oversight of the quality and integrity of the organization’s accounting and reporting practices and controls, including financial statements and reports; the organization’s compliance with legal and regulatory requirements; the qualifications, independence, and performance of the company’s independent auditor; and the performance of the company’s internal audit team.
Body Of Knowledge
An agreed-upon sets of skills and abilities that all licensed professionals must possess.
Breach of Contract
The failure of one party to meet the terms of a contract.
Breach of the duty of care
The failure to act as a reasonable person would act.
The act of providing money, property, or favors to someone in business or government in order to obtain a business advantage.
BSA| The Software Alliance
A trade group that represent the world’s largest software and hardware manufacturers.
Indicates that a professional possesses a particular set of skills, knowledge, or abilities, in the opinion of the certifying organization. Certification can also apply to products (e.g., the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED logo assures that the product has met rigorous interoperability testing to ensure that it will work with other Wi-Fi-certified products) and is generally voluntary.
To be in accordance with established policies, guidelines, specifications, or legislation.
Conflict of Interest
A conflict between a person’s (or firm’s) self-interest and the interests of a client.
Duty of Care
The obligation to protect people against any unreasonable harm or risk.
Hardware or software (or a combination of both) that serves as the first line of defense between an organization’s network and the Internet; a firewall also limits access to the company’s network based on the organization’s Internet-usage policy.
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
An act that makes it a crime to bribe a foreign official, a foreign political party official, or a candidate for foreign political office.
The crime of obtaining goods, services, or property through deception or trickery.
Government License
A government-issued permission to engage in an activity or to operate a business.
Information Security Group (info sec.)
A group within an organization managing the processes, tools, and policies necessary to prevent, detect, document, and counter threats to digital and nondigital information, whether it is in transit, being processed, or at rest in storage.
Internal Control
The process established by an organization’s board of directors, managers, and IT systems people to provide reasonable assurance for the effectiveness and efficiency of operations, the reliability of financial reporting, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
IT User
A person who uses a hardware or software product; the term distinguishes end users from the IT workers who develop, install, service, and support the product. IT users need the product to deliver organizational benefits or to increase their productivity.
Material Breach of Contract
The failure of one party to perform certain expressed or implied obligations, which impairs or destroys the essence of the contract.
Not doing something that a reasonable person would do or doing something that a reasonable person would not do.
The guidelines and standards by which the organization must abide.
The misstatement or incomplete statement of a material fact.
Defines the exact instructions for completing each task in a process.
Professional Code of Ethics
The principles and core values that are essential to the work of a particular occupational group.
A collection of tasks designed to accomplish a stated objective.
Professional Malpractice
Breach of the duty of care by a professional.
Reasonable Person Standard
A legal standard that defines how an objective, careful, and conscientious person would have acted in the same circumstances.
Resume Inflation
Falsely claiming competence in a skill, usually because that skill is in high demand.
Separation of Duties
The concept of having different aspects of a process handled by different people to prevent fraud.
Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA)
A trade group that represents the world’s largest software and hardware manufacturers.
Software Engineer
One who applies engineering principles and practices to the design, development, implementation, testing, and maintenance of software.
Trade Secret
Information, generally unknown to the public, that a company has taken strong measures to keep confidential.
Reasonable Professional Standard
A legal standard that defendants who have particular expertise or competence are measured against.
A individual who shares information to the public about another individual or organization when they do something illegal/unethical.