Chapter 2: Beginnings of English America Flashcards
Virginia Company
a private business organization whose shareholders included merchants, aristocrats, and members of Parliament; sponsored 1607 voyage
failed 1585 settlement started by Sir Walter Raleigh
A Discourse Concerning Western Planting
written by Protestant Minister Richard Hakluyt; 23 reasons Queen Elizabeth I should support the establishment of colonies
enclosure movement
landlords sought profits, raised sheep and evicted small farmers; some benefitted but 1000s uprooted from the land
indentured servents
settlers who signed on for a temporary period in order to get free transport to America
John Smith
governor; regime of forced labor; “He that will not work, shall not eat.”; iron rule
headright system
introduced by Virginia Company; awarded 50 acres of land to any colonist who paid for his own or another’s passage to the New World
House of Burgesses
first elected assembly in colonial America
Uprising of 1622
surprise attack by Indians that wiped out 1/4 of Virginia’s settler population
crop grown in Virginia that grew the colony’s wealth/power; colonists believed it had medicinal effects
dower rights
possessed by married English women; 1/3 husband’s property hers when he died
English religion that sought to purify the Church of England; founded in Massachusetts bay Colony under John Winthrop
John Winthrop
first governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony; defined “natural liberty” and “moral liberty”
puritan separatists who broke completely with the Church of England and sailed to the New World aboard the Mayflower founding Plymouth Colony on Cape Cod in 1620
Mayflower Compact
plan pilgrim leaders drew up on Mayflower, men agreed to obey “just and equal laws” by representatives of their own choosing
Great Migration
21,000 Puritans emigrated to Massachusetts; established basis for stable and thriving society
“captivity” narratives
counteracted attraction to Indian life, people who were “captured” by Indians encouraged to write a narrative about desire to return to English society
Half-Way Covenant
allowed for baptism and “half-way” Puritan membership for grandchildren of emigrants; to address stagnant church membership
English freedom
king subject to rule of law; all persons should enjoy security of person and property
Act Concerning Religion
institutionalized the principle of toleration; all Christians guaranteed “free exercise” of religion; brought stability to Maryland
Among the problems facing the early settlers of Jamestown colony were…
high rates of death and disease.
A “visible saint” was the term Puritans used to describe…
a person who had experienced a conversation experience
True or False: England’s ongoing struggle to subdue Ireland delayed its entry into New World colonization
Having fled religious intolerance in England, the Puritans in Massachusetts…
were intolerant of persons who disagreed with their version of Christianity
Henry Care, author of ‘English Liberties;’ demonstrates that seventeenth-century identities rested in part on negative images of…
other nations.
True or False: Intermarriage was common between Indians and English Settlers.
One key motivation behind many early English settlers in the American colonies was…
the desire to escape from the spiritual corruptions of England.
True or False: 17th-century Maryland stood out for its system of absolute rule, but also for its practice of religious toleration.
The English “enclosure” movement of the 1500s and 1600s forced small farmers off “commons” land so that the land could be taken up by…
The English colonies differed from the Spanish in that Spanish women could…
jointly own all wealth accumulated during marriage.
The expansion of tobacco cultivation in the early 1600s led to an increase in demand for which labor groups?
indentured servants
The Levellers…
wanted to greatly expand the right to vote.
The Mayflower Compact of 1620 asserted that…
just and equal laws made by male representatives onboard were to rule over others.
True or False: Under the headright system, anyone who brought in a sizeable number of servants would immediately acquire a large estate.
Which of the following was a theme of Puritan thought?
people enter this world as either the “elect” or the “damned”
Within the Puritan community, the family was considered the foundation of a strong community while unmarried persons…
were viewed as a danger to the social fabric of the community.