Chapter 2: Basic Concepts Flashcards
Whatever occurs right before a behavior.
Automatic Reinforcement
Engaging in the behavior is what produces the reinforcement; these behaviors are not socially mediated.
“I don’t need you”
Automaticity of Reinforcement
Behavior is reinforced or punished without the individual knowing that reinforcement or punishment is occurring.
Example: Putting on a jacket when it’s cold without thinking about it.
Aversive Stimulus
An unpleasant event that is intended to decrease the probability of a behavior when it is presented as a consequence.
Example: A chore as a consequence to breaking curfue.
Any activity that a living organism does.
Dead Man’s Test
Behavior Change Tactic
A technologically consistent method for changing behavior derived from one or more principles of behavior.
Example: Response cost is derived from the principle of negative reinforcement.
Conditioned Punisher
Learned punisher.
Conditioned Reflex/Response
A response or reflex that occurs because of one’s learning history and results due to and in the presence of a particular stimulus.
Example: Blinking before the “puff” of air comes at the eye doctor.
Conditioned Reinforcer
Learned reinforcer; secondary reinforcer
Conditioned Stimulus
A stimulus that was once neutral but is now conditioned and elicits a response.
Example: Needle at doctor
Whatever occurs right after a behavior.
Example: Receiving a token for answering a question correctly.
Refers to dependent and/or temporal relations between operant behavior and its controlling variables.
Contingency Shaped Behavior
Behavior that changes based on a learning history.
Example: Not speeding because you got a speeding ticket.
Describes reinforcement or punishment that is delivered only after the target behavior has occurred.
Withholding access to reinforcement for a specified period of time to increase the effectiveness of the reinforcer.
Discriminated Operant
An operant that occurs more frequently under some antecedent conditions than under others.
Discriminative Stimulus (SD)
Signals availability of a reinforcer.
Example: “OPEN” Sign
A behavior that is unlearned and occurs when a particular stimulus is present.
Used to describe behavior occurring due to the consequence being the major controlling variable.
Used to describe behavior occurring due to the MOs occurring with the antecedent events being the major controlling variable.
Anywhere the behavior happens.
No longer reinforce a behavior that has been previously reinforced.
Example: No longer using a token system to reinforce hand raising.
Extinction AKA
Operant Extinction
Generalized Conditioned Reinforcer
A learned reinforcer that has been generalized across subjects, behaviors, and environments.
Generalized Conditioned Punisher
A learned punisher that has been generalized across subjects, behaviors, and environments.
When the stimulus is repeatedly presented, the subject “gets used to it”, and the response will slowly fade and eventually not occur at all.
Example: Squinting because of light in eyes diminishes over time because of constant light in the eyes.
Higher-Order Conditioning
A reflex can occur through repeated presentation of additional neutral stimuli that is presented during stimulus-stimulus pairing.
History of Reinforcement
All of a person’s learning experiences with past conditioning with respect to particular response classes or aspects of a person’s repertoire.