Chapter 2 Archeology Flashcards
What does dendrichronolgy mean
It’s is a way of dating that uses that unique growth pattern of tree rings as a guide
What is pollen analysis
It is the study of pollen remains to see what was growing at a site at a peticular time
Explain aerial photography
It is a photo taken from an elevated position for example a helicopter of drone this sometimes rebels shaped and information on sites from a different perspective
What do test trench and top soil mean
A test trench is a sample hole dug in the ground to see if there is anything of interest and if it’s work excavating the whole site
Topsoil is the topmost most recent layer of soil in the ground
Name three tools used by an archaeologist
Brushes to remove soil from any objects found
Shovels and trowels
Explain radio carbon 14 dating
There is an amount of radio carbon 14 in all living things but when they die those levels start to fall and this is how they date how old things are by how little carbon 14 is in them
What is a geophysical survey
It is an X-ray of the ground and it is used for archaeologist so they can find artefacts and evidence without having to undergo an excavation
What is a passage tomb
Is a narrow passage with one or more burial chambers made of large stones and covered in earth or stone
What does Neolithic mean
It means of the New Stone Age
What is a corbelled roof
A formed roof built with overlapping stones until they meet at the top
What does Mesolithic mean
Of the middle Stone Age
Who were hunter gathered and what did they do
They were people who hunted animals and gathered berries and nuts but had not learned how to farm yetis
What is stratigraphy
It’s a method of dating artefacts by how deep in the ground they are