chapter 2 Flashcards
primary components of health assessment
health history (subjective data) physical examination
phases of the interview: intro
prepare pt. for what to expect
collect health history
pt. centered
collects, records data
promotes questions
foundation for personalized health care
clarification of data
open ended questions
encourage free flowing open response
close ended
yeild more precise data
directive questions
focus on set of thoughts
ex) describing an issue
techinques that enhance data collection
- active listening
- dont forumalte questions during response
- faciliatation- verbal and non verbal cues to make pt explain more
- clarification
- restatemnt
- reflection
- confronation
- interpration
- summary
cultural competence
demonstrates communication skill between cultures outside owns
identify cultural factors
biographic data reason for seeking care history of present illness present health status medical history family history personal hisotry review of all body systems
components of comprehensive healt hisotry
in a comprehensive health ass….
i ask most questions
in a fucsed health ass,
i ask questions about systems releated to reasons for seeking care
all the socially transmitted behavioral patterns, arts, beliefs, knowledge, values, morals, customs, lifeways, characteristics that influence world view
social group within a culture and social system that shares common cultural and social heritage that includes language, history, lifestyle, religion
organized system of beliefs, rituals, and practices
culturally and linguistically appropriate care
ensure equitable and effective treatment organized arouned 3 themes: - culturally competent care - language access services -organizational supports for cultural competence
what does joint commissions require
spiritual history to be taken for every pt admitted to hospital
cultural desire
nurse must be motivated to become competent to interact with people for different cultures
cultrual awareness
nurses begin their cultural awareness throguh an in-depth self examination of their cultural backround
culutral knowledge
begins when nurses learn about beliefs, religions, values, traditions, customs of other cultural groups
cultural encounters
provide opportunites for nurses to have interactions with pt from culturally diverse backgrounds