Chapter 2 Flashcards
day-and-date release
premiering and releasing a movie to the public at the same time through a theater, DVD, and download
a radio station’s particular sound or programming content
the means of delivering a specific piece of media content
media multitasking
simultaneously consuming many different kinds of media
the erosion of traditional distinctions among media (media convergence is merging together multiple types of media, ex; the smartphone has internet, radio, video games, etc)
What are the three main forces that alter the nature of media industries
concentration of media ownership and conglomeration, rapid globalization, and hypercommercialization
concentration of ownership
ownership of different and numerous media companies concentrated in fewer and fewer hands: fewer organizations controlling shares of mass media
the increase in the ownership of media outlets by larger, nonmedia companies (ex: comcast/ walt disney)
economies of scale is a defense to
concentration and conglomeration
economies of scale
concept that relative cost declines as the size of the endeavor grows
a concentration of media industries into an even smaller number of companies, ex; AT&T and Verizon are dominating cell phone services
ownership of media companies by multinational corporations
audience fragmentation
audiences for specific media content becoming smaller and increasingly homogeneous (ex: having Ski and Internet Geek magazines for specific audiences)
narrowcasting/ niche marketing/ targeting
aiming broadcast programming at smaller, more demographically homogeneous audiences
allows radio stations to deliver different commercials to specific neighborhoods
location based mobile advertising
lets marketers directly send ads targets to you are wherever you are at that moment
addressable technologies
technologies permitting the transmission of very specific content to equally specific audience members
taste publics
form of media, groups of people bound by little more than interest in a given form of media content
increasing the amount of advertising and mixing commercial and noncommercial media content (ex: american idol’s program, half the hour is dedicated to promotions)
product placement
the integration, for a fee, of specific branded products into media content
brand entertainment
brands are a part of and essential to a certain program, in order to make jokes about McDonalds, you need McDonalds brand in media content
payment made by recording companies to DJs to air their records
Web-only television shows
Tony Kern
technology attorney who stated convergence is fueled by providing a common mean to present all forms of communication, high speed connectivity, and the positive effects of the advancements in technology
energy between overlapping media
platform agnostic
having no preference for where we access our media content
regularly updated online journals that comment a wide variety of topics
cost of entry
amount of money needed for media content production
messages sent by mass communication are
identical, mechanically produced, simultaneously sent, inflexible, and unalterable
really simple syndication
allows users to access updates to online content in way they can understand it
and RSS message is
alterable and unique
appointment consumption
audiences consume content at a time predetermined by the producer and distributor
consumption on demand
ability to consume any content anytime/ anywhere
In the traditional model of mass communication, feedback is
inferential and delayed
Wilbur Schramm’s fraction of selection:
is the expectation or effort of the consumer, it is used to determine success
The Trades
created about someone else’s business., industry based publication; trade magazines
erosions of distinctions among media
media brands overlap more than one media type; ex: The mighty ducks being a hockey team, disney brand, and movie
what is the significance for low cost entry
the world is shifting from a work of consuming to a world of creating