Chapter 2 Flashcards
Scientific Management
Focuses on analyzing and improving the efficiency of work processes.
Human Relations
Focuses on how the social environment of work influences attitudes and behavior.
Hawthorne Effect
An improvement in work productivity resulting from people receiving attention from observers.
Systems Theory
Highlights the complex interdependences between individuals, features of organizations, and the broader organizational context.
Has occurred when organizational practices or rules are accepted and perpetuated without regard to instrumental rationality.
Social Construction of Reality
The idea that what we perceive to be real is influenced by the social environment.
Any group within or outside the organization that is directly affected by the organization and has a stake in its performance.
Organization-specific Responsibility (OSR)
The responsibility of organizations to focus on the organization’s owners and their financial interests.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
The responsibility of organizations to act in ways that protect and improve the welfare of multiple stakeholders.
Natural Environment
Composed of all living and nonliving things that have not been created by human technology or human activity.
Sustainable Development
Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
The increased interdependence and integration among people and organizations around the world.
Multinational Company (MNC)
An organization that receives more than 25 percent of its total sales revenue from outside its home country.
An assumption that members in a host country know the best way to manage an organization in their country.
The assumption that members of one’s own home country offer the best way to manage in a host country.
The assumption that people from different cultures working together in a manner characterized by two-way, give-and-take communication fosters deeper mutual understanding, community, and new insights.
National culture
Includes the shared values, beliefs, knowledge, and general patterns of behavior that characterize a country’s citizens.