Chapter 2/5 Flashcards
What contributes to CNS protection
Skull, vertebrae, meninges and CSF
3 protective membranes that cover and protect brain
outermost meninge
dura mater “tough mother”
middle meninge
Arachnoid mater “spider”
innermost meninge
Pia mater “pious” delicate layer
dura mater ? two layers attached to ? separation creates ? two potential spaces ? become space with ?
dense, fibrous, outermost periosteal and meningeal inner surface of skull (periosteal) ... spaces injury epidural (between dura and skull) subdural ( between dura and arachnoid)
Dural extensions
Falx celebri: in ?
forms ?
Tentorium Cerebelli: between ?
Falx Cerebelli: between ?
interhemispheric/longitudinal fissure
vertical partition between cerebral hemispheres
basal surfaces of temporal and occipital lobes and cerebellum
cerebellar hemispheres
Arachnoid mater: thin membrane between ? arachnoid granulations: subarachnoid space: between ? - -filled with ?
dura and pia CSF drainage into vascular system arachnoid and pia arachnoid trabecular ( made of fibrous and elastic tissue) CSF
Pia: thin, adheres to ? follows?
highly ? carries ?
surface of brain/ contours
vascular / arteries and veins to neural tissue
CSF: colorless fluid generated by ? located in?
circulates in ?
choroid plexus/ ventricles / ventricles and subarachnoid space
Functions of CSF 1. -mechanical ? -brain ? -protection from ? -reduces brain weight by? 2. 3. How many times is it replaced?
- protection
- cushion around CNS
- floats in CSF
- sudden and violent body movement
- 95% - removal of harmful substances and metabolic waste
- delivers nutrients
3x in 24 hours
Ventricles: -interconnected ? two ? 1 in each 1 ? in 1 ? in
circulating system of CSF cavities in brain lateral ventricles / hemisphere third ventricle / midline between two thalami fourth ventricle / brainstem
Foramen of Monro/ Interventricular Foramen
Cerebral aqueduct ( Aqueduct of Sylvius)
connects ?
Lateral (lusaka) and Median (magendie) apertures
connects ?
lateral and third ventricles
third and fourth ventricles
fourth ventricle to subarachnoid space
CSF circulation and absorption: CSF circulates through ? subarachnoid cisterns ? absorbed through ? - which are? empty CSF into ? which also receives ?
ventricles and subarachnoid space CSF pools here arachnoid granualtions - one way openings on sides of superior sagittal sinus superior sagittal sinus / venous blood
Hydrocephalus water on the ? caused by ? communicating? non- communicating abnormal accumulation of CSF causes an? sustained pressure = can be present at ? or ? treated by
brain dissociation between production and absorption rate of CSF -inadequate drainage of CSF in sinus -obstruction or blockage increase in pressure enlargement of ventricles and damages to surrounding cortical tissue birth / result of head injury CSF shunt system
Cerebrum is made of
Cerebellum is made of
Brainstem is made of
telencephalon and diencephalon
mesencephalon, myelencephalon and metencephalon
Cerebrum: largest
covered by
floats in? encased in?
mostly involved in :
3 protective membranes (PAD)
CSF/ skull
sensation, abstract thinking, resining, planning, higher mental processes such as language
Cerebral Hemispheres how many? separated by? connected by ? look approx? but different ? this is also called
longitudinal fissure
commissural fibers known as corpus callosum
bilateral autonomic symmetry but unilateral functional asymmetry
Cerebrum: gray matter: -process white matter: -transmit
gray and white matter grayish/brownish cell bodies of neurons information groups of myelinated axons - white due to myelin sheath information
gray matter: covered by ? how thick? convoluted? Gyri: Sulci: to accomodate ?
cerebral cortex = bark
3-5 mm
ridges or elevations on surface of cerebrum
groove-like depressions on surface of cerebrum
cellular volume
Cerebrum: white matter
projection fibers:
association fibers:
commissural fibers:
to and from cortex to the brainstem/spinal cord (corona radiata)
to and form regions of same hemisphere (arcuate fasciclus)
from one hemisphere to the other (corpus callosum)
Cerebral cortex lobes: frontal parietal occipital temporal
executive functioning and motor production
sensory integration
visual processing
auditory processing and comprehension
Cerebral Cortex: four major sulci and fissures
longitudinal fissure: Central sulcus ( fissure of Rolando) Sylvian fissure ( Lateral Sulcus/fissure) Parieto-occipital sulcus
separates right and left hemisphere
separates frontal and parietal lobes
anterior portion: separates frontal and temporal
posterior portion: separates temporal and parietal
separates parietal and occipital lobes
Some subcortical structures
Telencephalon: Basal Ganglia
Amygdala and Hippocampus
motor coordination
limbic system: emotion and memory
sensory and motor relay center
temperature, thirst, hunger, sleep, emotion
Cerebellum (aka)
crucial connections to ?
responsible for ?
little brain
cortical an subcortical structures, brainstem and spinal cord
balance and smooth motor coordination, movement learning
Brainstem: connects integrates and coordinates monitors all ? automatic ? pre? genetically? consists of
diencephalon and spinal cord central and peripheral info outputs from and inputs to brain control systems (swallowing, breathing, heart rate) prewired, genetically acquired midbrain, pons, medulla