Chapter 2 Flashcards
Trifling; unimportant; insignificant
Minor everyday details
Drake is one of the world’s most popular hip hop artists. While Drake would prefer to concentrate on creating music, his zealous fans often focus on interesting but trivial minutiae about his personal life.
To encourage; urge; give a pep talk; IMPLORE
When Jeter began to approach the coveted 3000 hit milestone, his teammates and fans exhorted him to continue to platelet so he could reach the elusive milestone.
Strong dislike; ill will; the state of detesting someone; Enmity; Rancor
Can you imagine the antipathy that the Winklevoss brothers and Narendra felt upon seeing their idea becoming successful without them? In the movie, Narendra discovered Zuckerberg’s Thefacebook, slammed his laptop closed, and, filled with enmity, stormed out of the room to inform the Winklevoss brothers of Zuckerberg’s betrayal.
To depart from a subject; wander; ramble
Have you ever listened to someone who repeatedly wanders off a topic? If so, you know how confusing and annoying it is when a speaker digresses from a subject.
Roots: GRESS | to step
Progress to step forward
Regress to step back
Transgress to step across the line that divides right from wrong
Egress to step out, to exit (or as a noun, an exit)
Aggressive tending to attack, encroach, or step on others
Very small
Gabby, at 4’11’ and 90 pounds the most diminutive of the bunch. Diminutive Gabby Douglas won the hearts of Americans everywhere.
Characterized by holding fast to something valued; showing great determination
The 2006 film Amazing Grace tells the story of the 20-year campaign against the British slave trade led by the tenacious Member of Parliament William Wilberforce.
Characterized by excessive generosity; overly tolerant
In the movie Mean Girls, Regina George’s mother prides herself in being indulgent. She proudly tells Regina and Cady, “I just want you to know, if you ever need anything, don’t be shy, ok? There are NO rules in the house. I’m not like a ‘regular’ mom. I’m a ‘cool’ mom.” Mrs. George should have said, “I’m a super - Indulgent mom who lets Regina do anything she wishes.”
To create disunity or dissension; to break up into opposing factions or groups; to be divisive
Americans have a long and distinguished record of settling differences by reaching a compromise. However, some issues are so Divisive and Polarizing that a compromise is impossible. Before the Civil War, the issue of slavery Polarized Americans into two groups: those who defended the South’s “peculiar institution” and those who demanded that slavery be abolished. As Lincoln eloquently noted: “A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free.”
Vague; cloudy; misty; lacking a fully developed form
In an interview, Joan Rowling (creator of Harry Potter) stated that the Epilogue is deliberately “nebulous.” She wanted readers to feel as if they were looking at Platform 9 3/4 through the mist, unable to make out exactly who was there and who was not.
Ephemeral, Fleeting, Evanescent
Very brief; lasting for a short time; transient
Returning year after year; enduring
There are a lot of music bands who had a single hit song and then disappeared. Their popularity was Evanescent. They were Ephemeral – here today and gone tomorrow.
Bands like The Beatles, The Beach Boys, and Simon and Garfunkel have remained Perennial favorites.
Penchant, Predilection, Propensity
A liking or preference for something; a Bent; and Inclination
Angeline Jolie and rap Lil Wayne both a well-known Penchant for tattoos.
Lil Wayne’s Predilection for tattoos has led him to cover his face and torso with tattoos.
Capricious, Mercurial, Fickle
Very changeable; characterized by constantly-shifting moods
Boorish, Uncouth, Crass
Vulgar; characterized by crude behavior and deplorable manners; unrefined
Borat demonstrated boorish manners and behavior.
Characterized by outrage at something that is perceived as unjust
A veiled reference; an insinuation
At the beginning of The Godfather; Kay doesn’t understand the workings of the Corleone family business, and she asks Michael how his father managed a business deal. Michael responds with an innuendo: “My father made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.” His response insinuates that Don Vito uses coercion and threats in his business dealings. Michael’s innuendo suggests that his father is a powerful mob boss.
Thwart, Stymie
To stop; to frustrate; to prevent
In the Harry Potter Lilly Potter’s love thwarted Lord Voldemort’s attempt to kill her one-year-old son, Harry. With the help of Ron and Hermione, Harry repeatedly thwarted the Dark Lord’s attempts to kill him.
After a CHICANERY that came to light in 2011, new security measures have been implemented by both SAT and ACT to stymie those who might wish to take an exam for someone else.
Adroit, Deft, Adept
Having or showing great skill; Dexterous; nimble
Chuck Norris has Adroit legs; he is adept at using a roundhouse kick to escape even the toughest situations.
To earnestly caution; to warn another to avoid a course of action
“Santa Claus is Coming Town” song earnestly admonishes children to “be good for goodness sake.”
Roots: MON | to warn, remind
Admonition a warning or reproof, a reminder
Premonition a warning in advance, presentiment of something evil, foreboding
Monitor a person or a device that reminds or checks (like a study hall monitor, a heart monitor, or an audio monitor for performers on stage)
Monument a sepulcher, memorial, edifice to commemorate something or someone notable, something that reminds (literally)
Impossible to deny or disprove; demonstrably true
In recent years it is becoming clear that global warming is an incontrovertible fact.
Voracious, Ravenous, Rapacious
Having a huge appetite that cannot be satisfied; INSATIABLE
Homer Simpson and Scooby-Doo have voracious appetites. Homer has an insatiable appetite for frosted doughnuts. Homer regularly and rapaciously piles great quantities of food on his plate. Scooby has a ravenous appetite for Scooby Snacks, and he habitually sneaks food from the plates of his friends.
Emotionally hardened; insensitive; unfeeling
In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby, Tom Buchanan callously ruins the lives of four people (Daisy, Gatsby, Myrtle, and George) while recklessly pursuing his own selfish pleasures.
Intrepid, Undaunted
Courageous, Resolute, and fearless
Luke Skywalker and Charles Lindbergh were intrepid pilots who were undaunted by seemingly impossible odds.
Having an air of casual indifference; coolly unconcerned; Unflappable
Italian drivers are famous for their nonchalant attitude toward yellow and even red lights. One typical Italian can driver nonchalantly explained that lights are merely advisory: “Everyone drives through yellow lights and fresh red ones, It is no big deal.” Needless to say, we hope you will not take such a nonchalant attitude.
Winding, twisting, and therefore difficult to understand; intricate
The Electoral College requires a convoluted process to choose a President, and the Bowl Championship Series requires a convoluted process to choose two football teams to play for the national championship.
Migrating form place to place; Not Sedentary
Today, many movie stars live itinerant lives. For example, during the last six years, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have lived in 15 homes all over the world, including Paris, Prague, LA, New Orleans, Berlin, Namibia, India, and NYC. Jolie enjoys her itinerant lifestyle and says it is important to experience a variety of cultures.
Moving; touching; heartrending
Poignant scenes from movies bring tears to the eyes of many viewers.
A stimulus or encouragement that results in increased activity
Lord Voldemort’s resurrection at the end of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire provided the impetus for the revival of the Order of the Phoenix and the formation of Dumbledore’s Army.
Bucolic, Rustic, Pastoral
Characteristic of charming, unspoiled countryside and the simple, rural life
A group of artists known as the Hudson River School specialized in painting the rustic beauty of America’s unspoiled lands cape. Today, many students are attracted to the pastoral beauty of the campuses located in small towns. For example, one writer described Blacksburg, Virginia, the home of Virginia Tech, as “a quaint, off-the-beaten-track, bucolic college town nestled in the mountains of southwest Virginia.”
Calmness; composure; even-temperedness; poise
George Washington, the Great Father of America, was known for his equanimity.
Panache, Verve, Flamboyance, Élan
Great vigor and energy; dash, especially in artistic performance and composition
Today the word panache no longer refers to feathers or a plume. But Panache still retains its sense of verve or dash. Panache is now most frequently used to refer to Flamboyant entertainers. For example, Lady Gaga is one of the music world’s most flamboyant performers.
Provoking discussion; stimulating controversy; arousing a reaction
Placid, Serene
Calm or quiet; I disturbed by tumult or disorder
Roots: PLAC | to quiet, to soothe, pacify, please
Implacable unappeasable, inexorable
Placate to appease or calm someone’s anger
Placid calm, quiet
Complacent self-satisfied, smug
Complaisant disposed to please, affable, gracious
Of accidental but fortunate occurrence; having unexpected good fortune
He picked it up and discovered three cigars wrapped in a piece of paper containing Lee’s (opponent’s) secret battle plans. This fortuitous discovery played a key role in enabling the Union forces to win the battle.
To drive away; scatter, as to dispel a misconception.
The first administration of the SAT occurred in 1901, and since then quite a few myths have arisen. We’re here to dispel a couple of misconception you might have.
A mixture; a blend; a combination of different elements
A rap star Jay-Z’s name is an amalgam. Shawn Carter grew in Brooklyn near where the J-Z subway line has a stop on Marcy Avenue. Carter’s friends nicknamed him “Jazzy.” Carter later combined the name of the subway line with his nickname to COIN the new name Jay-Z!
Viable, Feasible
Capable of being accomplished; possible
Soaring oil costs and worries about global warming have prompted a search for viable alternatives to fossil fuels. Some of the most feasible alternative energy sources include solar power, wind power, and biofuels.
Agonizing physical or mental pain; torment
When Bruce Wayne saved Gotham from the Joker in the Dark Knight, he sustained multiple injuries allowed his Batman alter ego to be declared a criminal, and lost the love of his life, Rachel Dawes. Set eight years later, The Dark Knight Rises finds Bruce frail, reclusive, and filled with anguish over Rachel’s death.
Shallow; lacking in depth; concerned with surface appearances
Cher and Daisy Buchanan (The Great Gatsby) are superficial. Daisy proves to be a superficial person who prizes material possessions.
Roots: Latin prefix SUPER, SUPRA | over, above, greater in quality
Supercilious overbearing, proud, haughty
Superficial on the surface, shallow
Superlative the best, in the highest degree
Supernatural above and beyond all nature
Supersede to take the place of, to supplant
Laud, Extol, Tout, Acclaim
To praise; applaud
Katy Perry’s song “California gurls” extols the beauty of California girls. She lauds east coast girls for being hip.
She proudly touts the beauty of California’s acclaimed golden coast.
Showing indifference or disregard; rejecting
Roots: MITT/MISS | to send
Emit - to send out
Submit - to send under, yield, resign, surrender
Transmit - to send across, communicate, convey
Remit - to send back, pay money, diminish in intensity
Omit - to send by, pass by, neglect, leave put
Admit - to send out, let in, confess, concede
Commit - to send together, entrust, pledge, memorize
Permit - to send through, allow
Dismiss - to send away, discharge, put out of mind
Remiss - negligent, lax, careless
Remittance - a payment sent to pay a bill
Mission - a duty one is sent to perform
Missile - something sent through the air
Missive - a note sent by messenger
Emissary - a messenger sent on a mission
To speak of in a slighting or disrespectful way; belittle
What was your opinion? Does it deserve to be Lauded or Disparaged?
You might be surprised to learn that Megan Fox, the actress who played Mikaela Banes, Disparaged Transformers director Michael Bay for focusing more on special effects than on acting🖕 дэ
Filled with excessive self-importance; Pretentious; Ostentatious; boastful
In the Harry Potter pompous Draco Malfoy is a bully who arrogantly proclaims that pure-blood wizards are far superior to Muggles and Mudbloods. Draco is a literally FOIL to the Harry Potter.
Having a hidden or ambiguous meaning; mysterious
Difficult to detect; faint; mysterious; likely to elude perception
Iago, the ultimate villain of English literature, is brilliantly subtle in the way he manipulates Othello in believing that his wife, Desdemona, has been unfaithful.
An inequality; a gap; an imbalance
In Hunger Games there is a great disparity in Panem between the Affluent (having a great deal of money, wealthy) and spoiled citizens of Capitol and Impecunious residents of the districts, who live in Deplorable (very bad) conditions.
To cut short or reduce
Many Pundits argue that Americans must curtail their fuel consumption by developing renewable sources of energy.
Harmless; unlikely to give offense or to arouse strong feelings or hostility; not INIMICAL
Many mushrooms are innocuous, but there are some, like the Amanita or Death Cap mushroom, that are poisonous and should not be eaten.
Diatribe, Tirade, Harangue
A bitter abusive denunciation; a thunderous verbal attack; a RANT
Coach Carter doesn’t hesitate to driver a Tirade when a player fails to follow team rules or perform to the best of his ability. He had many memorable diatribe.