Chapter 1 Flashcards
Deviation from the norm or what is expected
Big bang theory is a television show that follows the trials and tribulations of atypical group of friends in California.
Penny’s presence in the group is Anomalous for many reasons; besides being a girl, she is trendy and popular and a little Naive w44.
Sarcastic, sardonic, snide
Mocking, derisive, taunting, and stinging
Winston Churchill was famous for his sarcastic and sardonic comments.
In the movie Avatar, dr grace Augustine tells Jake “just relax and let your mind go blank. That shouldn’t be too hard for you.” This snide remark grace’s initial contempt for jake
Dearth, paucity
A scarcity of shortage of something
Critics and moviegoers alike have observed that there is an overall dearth of respect for animated features in aw.
Industry members speculate that the best animated feature category will perpetuate the paucity of animated films nominated for the bp award.
To speak in foolish manner; to babble incessantly
A of The office served as a regional manager of the B Company. He was most notable for his incoherent rambling and often inappropriate remarks. Here is an example of A’s prattling as he discussed his relationship with his employees
Wry, Droll
Dry, humorous with a clever twist and touch of irony
A once sent B several tickets for the first night of one of his plays.
B sent a wry response, cannot come first night, Will come second night if you have one
A’s response was equally wry, here are two tickets for the second night, bring a friend if you have one
Unconventional, unorthodox
Not ordinary or typical; characterized by avoiding customary conventions and behaviors
Katy perry, lady gaga, nicki minaj are known for their catchy hits and bold unconventional wardrobes.
The concert film displayed some of her colorful, unorthodox outfits.
Meticulous, painstaking, fastidious
Extremely careful; very exacting
The world of Harry Potter at universal studios in Florida is meticulous recreation of Hogwarts castle and nearby Hogsmeade village. The park’s designers your Spared no expense to painstakingly recreate such iconic rooms as Dumble’s office.
Many car owners are fastidious about keeping the us cats spotless.
Fearlessly, often recklessly daring, very bold.
What a and b have in common? Both launched audacious surprise attacks on unsuspecting adversaries.
Washington’s audacious plan shocked the British.
Indifferent, apathetic
Marked by a lack of interest or concern.
Stein’s bored and indifferent student ignore his monotone lecture.
Some students are so apathetic they fall asleep.
Diffident, self-effacing
Hesitant due to a lack of self-confidence; unassertive; shy; retiring
Many actors and actors confess to being diffident in their private lives, despite the fact that they make their livings performing in front of audiences.
An imaginative re-creation of something; a calling forth
What do treasures Taylor Swift music video “love story”, titanic and pharaoh Tutankhamen have in common? All they are evocations
1-) evokes a time when princess lived in romantic castles
2-) evokes the power and splendor of ancient Egypt
3-) evocation of what it was like to be a passenger on the great but doomed ship
Taking liberties; brashly overstepping one’s place; impertinently bold, displaying effrontery.
One of the most presumptuous actions in recent memory occurred during the 2009 mtv awards. When Taylor swift came onstage to accept her award, Kanye west appeared and grabbed the microphone out of her hand. He presumptuously declared.
Stubbornly resistant and defiant; obstinate, obdurate, refractory, disobedient.
What do X and Y in common? Both are recalcitrant. Reverend Wilson demanded that Hester reveal the identity of the father of her child. But x was recalcitrant. Despite the heavy weight of a thousand eyes all fastened upon her
Boon/ bane
1) A timely benefit; blessing;
2) a source of harm and ruin.
Fifty cent was shot nine times and lived! Was the shooting a bane or boon for his career? At first it was a bane because he had to spend weeks in the hospital in excruciating pain. But the shooting to be a boon for his career because it bolstered…
Clandestine, surreptitious
Secret, covert, not open, not aboveboard.
Men in black is clandestine group that conduct surreptitious activities
Affable, amiable, genial, gregarious
Agreeable, marked by a pleasing personality, warm and friendly.
President was renowned for his affable gave and genial good humor. In March gunman shit the president. The injured but always amiable president looked up and said “I hope you all are republicans”.
1) having no adornment or ornamentation; bare; not ornate
2) great self-denial, economy, discipline, lack of adornment
Ancient Greek architects often used d. Columns to construct temples. Exp: the hiho austere columns conveyed strength and simplicity because they lacked ornamentation.
Unselfish concern for the workfare of others.
1) the quality or state of having more than one possible meaning; doubtful; equivocal.
2) unclear; uncertain; open to more than one interpretation; not definitive; dubious
The final scene of the movie inception is full of ambiguity.
Upbraid, reproach, castigate.
To express disapproval, to scold, to rebuke, to censure
In this classic scene from Madison, ms. Vaughn upbraids Madison for making fun of a third grade student who is having trouble reading
An inference based upon guesswork; a supposition
Scientists have offered a number of conjectured to explain thy the age of dinosaurs came to an abrupt end.
Obsolete, archaic, antiquated
No longer in use,outmoded in design or style
For manicurists Kodak was the iconic leader in the photo industry. Many of its products became antiquated.
Auspicious, propitious
Very favorable
A blunder; a faux pas; a clumsy social or diplomatic error.
The 2012 Olympic Games provided their share of gaffes.
Committee forgot to write the name of sportswoman. The gaffe was spotted before it was too late, and her name was added to the roster.
A deadlock; stalemate; failure to reach an agreement
The false assignment of an event, person, scene, or language to a time when the event, person, scene, or word did not exist
Artists included anachronisms.
An historian, as a chronicler of events.
Mitigate, mollify, assuage, alleviate
To relieve;to lessen; to ease
Did you know that almost half of Americans take at least one prescription pill every day? Americans use pills to alleviate the symptoms of everything from ingrained headaches to acid indigestion.
To strongly desire; to crave
Grasping greedy eager to obtain something avaricious.lord Voldemort is covetous of something they desperately want but can’t have.
The direct or exact opposite; extreme contrast; antipode
Exactly opposite; antipodal
She can’t fathom(understand) why gut she likes continues to go out with a girl who is complete antithesis
An original model; an initial design
Henry ford in 1908, served as the prototype for the world’s first affordable, mass-produced automobile.
Detached, distant physically or emotionally; reserved; standing near but apart
Trite, hackneyed, banal, platitudinous, insipid
Unoriginal, commonplace, overused, cliched
A preceding event; a forerunner; a precursor
Believable, credible
Unbelievable, incredible
In the Bourne ultimatum, X breaks into sec. Office and steals an entire set of classified
Careful; cautious; sensible
Relating to the nature of beauty, arts, and taste; having a sense of what is beautiful, attractive, or pleasing.
Mona Lisa face done with golden Ratio rectangle that’s why overall aesthetic of the painting
Enigmatic, inscrutable
Mysterious, puzzling, unfathomable, baffling
Mona Lisa’s enigmatic smiles has puzzled art lovers for centuries
To comply, agree, give in
Naive, gullible
Unaffectedly simple, lacking worldly expertise, overly credulous, unsophisticated, immature, inexperienced,Ingenuous
Independence, self-governance
Completely useless, doomed to failure, in vain
Indigenous, endemic
Native to an area
Ubiquitous, prevalent
Characterized by being everywhere, omnipresent, widespread, pervasive
An epidemic that is geographically widespread and affects a large proportion of the population.
Strength of mind that allows one to endure pain or adversity with courage.
Having mixed or opposing feelings at the same time
In the avengers, Tony Stark, Thor and Steve Rogers are initially ambivalent about joining SHIELD’s Avenger Initiative.
Thor’s ambivalence about working with the Avengers comes from the fact that he is conflicted (certain,torn) about fighting his brother Loki.
Root: ambi-both
Бессвязный, бестолковый
To gather