Chapter 2 Flashcards
Favored a weaker national government
Articles of Confederation
Weak constitution during and after revolution, prior to 1787
Bill of attainder
Law that declares a person guilty without a trial
Bill of rights
First 10 amendments
Checks and balances
One branch limits the power of the others
Alliance of factions
Concurrent powers
Powers shared by national and state governments
Constitutional Convention
Philadelphia, 1787 to create constitution
Enumerated powers
Federal government powers
Ex post facto law
Not illegal before law against it is passed
Group with common interests
Authority shared by national and state governments
Wanted stronger national government
Great compromise
House of Representatives based off population, senate equal representation per state
Habeas corpus
Arrested people have right to a judge
Judicial review
Courts can declare laws unconstitutional
Line-item veto
President can block provisions passed by legislature
New Jersey Plan
Weak national government
Elected representatives make the decisions
Reserved powers
Powers held by state governments
Separation of powers
Authority is shared by three branches of government
Shays’s Rebellion
Protest by farmers of high taxes and interest rates
Right based on God
Virginia Plan
Stronger national government
Change made to the constitution ratified by the states