Chapter 2 Flashcards
A life estate of a wife in real estate of her deceased husband
Life a state of a husband in the real estate of his deceased wife
In a state in which a person holds real estate with the permission of the owner, also known as tenancy at will
Estate at will
Highest form of ownership in real estate, also known as fee title or fee simple title
Fee simple defeasible
Exemption issued on a part of your property that provides protection from judgments and creditors
Concept of life established by law, not typically found in to where it has been replaced with probate
Legal life estate
A holder of life estate, in a state in real property that ends in death
Life tenant
Interest in property is reliant on the life expectancy of another person who is not on the deed
Pur autre vie
A limiting condition written providing recourse of the property back to the previous owner
Reversion right
Define ownership, allowing for both possession and time
Estate in land
Exclusive right to use and enjoy parcel of land
Freehold estate
Right to ownership of the land for the length or duration of a person‘s life
Life estate
Legal document regarding the ownership of one’s property rights