Chapter 2 Flashcards
what is science?
- based on empiricism: truth is best discovered through sensory experience
- rely on operational definitions
4 goals of science
describe, predict, explain, control
- scientific prediction that is generally proposed as an if-then statement
- must be clearly falsifiable or refutable
- best explanation we have given facts at hand
- theories develop after intense hypothesis testing
- evolve as new evidence is produced
- individual or group that is ultimately on interest to the researcher
- samples are used bc you can’t access whole population of interest
representative sample
a subset of the population that is similar in important ways to the full population
assumption that the research findings from subset will apply to the full population
random sample
every member of population has an equal chance of being included
convenience sample
sample of individuals who are readily available
basic psychology
“pure” research conducted to seek knowledge for its own sake
applied psychology
finds practical used for knowledge gained from research
research methods
surveys, interviews, direct observation
research design
general approach to conducting a study to answer your research questions
- case study
correlational study
a descriptive study that looks for a relationship between two phenomena
something that is being measured, and therefore varies in amount or kind
experimental design
used by scientists who are interested in predicting or influencing human life
- controlled test of a hypothesis
quasi-experimental design
studies compare naturally existing factors that differentiate two groups lead to differences in measured variables
descriptive statistics
summaries of the characteristics of data sets
properties of tests or questionnaires
how trustworthy the tests are
whether the questionnaire measures what it proposes to measure