Chapter 2 Flashcards
It is a continuous and integrated process of planning, organizing, coordinating, and implementing measures
Disaster Management
The objective of this is to:
* Prevent danger or threat of any disaster
* Reduction of risk of any disaster or its severity or consequences
* Capacity-building
* Preparedness to deal with any disaster
* Prompt response to any threatening disaster situation or disaster
* Assessing severity or magnitude of effects of any disaster
* Evacuation, rescue and relief
* Rehabilitation and reconstruction
Disaster Management
Three Goals of Disaster Management (LPR)
- Reduce or avoid losses from hazards
- Assure prompt assistance to victims
- Achieve rapid and effective recovery
What disaster management cycle is this
Eliminate or reduce the probability of disaster occurence
What disaster management cycle is this
Reduce effects of unavoidable disasters
What disaster management cycle is this
Shaping public policies and plans
What disaster management cycle is this
Achieve satisfactory level of readiness
What disaster management cycle is this
Ensuring strategic reserves of essentials are maintained
What disaster management cycle is this
The focus is on meeting the basic needs until more permanent and sustainable solutions can be found
What disaster management cycle is this
Efforts to minimize hazards created by disaster
What disaster management cycle is this
Actual implementation of disaster plan wherein activities needs to be continually monitored and adjusted
What disaster management cycle is this
The aim is to provide immediate assistance to maintain life, improve health, and support the morale
What disaster management cycle is this
Debris removal, care of shelter, damage assessments, funding assistance
What disaster management cycle is this
- Rehabilitation of llivelihoods
- Restoration of socioeconomic activties
- Reconstruction of shelter and infrastracture
What disaster management cycle is this
Develop preventive laws and regulations
What disaster management cycle is this
Implement advance codes and standards
What disaster management cycle is this
Buy insurance and construct barriers
What disaster management cycle is this
Establish zoning requirements
What disaster management cycle is this
Develop mutual aid agreements and plans
What disaster management cycle is this
Train response personnel and concerned citizens
What disaster management cycle is this
Precise damage assessment
What disaster management cycle is this
Assess initial damage
What disaster management cycle is this
Open and manage shelters
What disaster management cycle is this
Community Development
A potentially damaging, dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or condition that MAY cause loss of life, injury, damage induced by natural or human causes
Degree to which element at risk are likely to experience hazard events of different magnitude
Characteristics and circumstances increasing susceptibility to damaging effects of hazard arising from physical, socioeconomic, and environmental factors
What is the disaster equation?
(V+H) / C
Combination of ALL STRENGTHS & RESOURCES that can reduce level of risk or effects of a disaster
When does a disaster occurs?
When hazard meet vulnerability
According to him, disaster is a crisis situation that exceeds the capabilities
Duarentelli, 1985
The Phiippines is ranked as what number among 200 countries most-disaster prone
Average number of typhoons in the Philippines yearly
20 typhoons
Philippines is located in between what two tectonic plates?
Eurasian & Pacific
These are volcanic and earthquake generators
Average destructive typhoons in the Philippines yearly
How many active and most active volcanoes does Philippines have?
22 active, 5 most active
Disaster risks of the Philippines (4) according to 2009 Mortality Risk Index of the UN INternational Strategy for Disaster Reduction
- Tropical Cyclones
- Floods
- Earthquakes
- Landslides
The following are critical concerns
- Existing disaster response team / safety committee
- Emergency / disaster drills
- Emergency response plan
- Preparedness / contingency plan
- Trained personnel / employees
- Rescue equipments and emergency paraphernalia
- Institutionalized warning system
- Identified evacuation areas
A disaster legislation back in 1978, focusing heavily on preparedness and response expecting paradigm shift emphasizing disaster management to a disaster risk management approach, with much greater importance given to reducing risk
RA 10121 (Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010)
RA 10121 is approved on?
May 27, 2010
It is a systematic process of using administrative decisions, organization, operational skills and capacities to implement policies, strategies, and coping abilities of the society and communities
RA 10121
These must be done to reduce risk
- Institutionalize local DRRM office
- Establish early warning system
- Formulation of communication protocol and evacuatio procedures at the community level and establishments
- Organize local DRRMC and define the functional roles and responsibilities of members and task units
- Establish SOPs (standard operating procedures)
- Hazard awareness through community-based trainings and seminars
- Integrate disaster risk reduction into the CLUP (comprehensive land use plan) and land use planning
- Integrate hazard, risk, and vulnerability assessment into the development plan
These must be done to reduce risk
- Cluster approach on recovery program
- Good working relationship with warning agencies and the local media
- Installation of rain guages on mountain slopes
- Strengthening of the LGU capabilities on disaster management
- Updating hazard profile of all municipalities and to analyze data on human induced disasters for public safety studies
- Effective flow of communication system to ensure accurate flow of information before, during, and after disaster
DENR-MGB CAR recommended how many mm of rainfall observed within 24 hours for evacuation?
The process of disaster risk reduction
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