Chapter 2 Flashcards
What is the hype cycle for emerging tech?
The hype cycle for emerging tech is a model developed by research and advisory firm Gartner that represents the maturity and adoption of new technologies over time.
The model consists of five stages: the innovation trigger, the peak of inflated expectations, the trough of disillusionment, the slope of enlightenment, and the plateau of productivity.
What is the innovation trigger?
The innovation trigger is the first stage of the hype cycle, where a new technology is introduced and generates excitement and interest among early adopters and innovators.
What is the peak of inflated expectations?
The peak of inflated expectations is the second stage of the hype cycle, where the technology generates a lot of hype and attention, and expectations for its potential are at their highest.
What is the trough of disillusionment?
The trough of disillusionment is the third stage of the hype cycle, where the technology fails to meet the inflated expectations set in the previous stage, and interest and investment in the technology decline.
What is the slope of enlightenment?
The slope of enlightenment is the fourth stage of the hype cycle, where the technology begins to mature and solve the problems that caused disillusionment in the previous stage. As a result, interest in the technology begins to pick up again, and more practical and successful use cases emerge.
What is the plateau of productivity?
The plateau of productivity is the fifth and final stage of the hype cycle, where the technology has reached widespread adoption and its full potential is being realized. The technology becomes a mainstream tool for solving business problems and improving productivity.
Can you give an example of a technology that has gone through the hype cycle?
One example of a technology that has gone through the hype cycle is virtual reality (VR). VR was introduced in the 1990s and generated a lot of excitement, but failed to meet the high expectations set at the time. It went through a long period of disillusionment until the early 2010s, when new VR technology emerged and practical applications began to be developed.
Now, VR is in the slope of enlightenment stage, with more successful use cases being developed and wider adoption among consumers and businesses.
What is a Disruptive Technology?
Disruptive technology is the technology that affects the normal operation of a market or an industry. It displaces a well-established product or technology, creating a new industry or market.
What is disruptive innovation?
Disruptive innovation is a term coined by Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen to describe a new technology or business model that disrupts and displaces an existing market or industry.
What are the two types of disruptive innovation?
The two types of disruptive innovation are new market disruption and low-end disruption.
What is new market disruption?
New market disruption occurs when a new technology or business model creates a new market that was previously nonexistent or underserved. This type of disruption is often driven by new customer needs, preferences, or behaviors that are not being met by existing solutions.
What is low-end disruption?
Low-end disruption occurs when a new technology or business model targets the low-end segment of an existing market that is being served by established players.
The new technology or business model may be simpler, cheaper, or more convenient than the existing solutions, and may initially appeal to customers who are less demanding or have lower budgets.
Can you give an example of each type of disruptive innovation?
One example of new market disruption is Airbnb, which created a new market for peer-to-peer short-term lodging rentals that was not being served by the traditional hotel industry.
One example of low-end disruption is the rise of budget airlines like Southwest and Ryanair, which disrupted the airline industry by offering cheaper, no-frills flights that appealed to price-sensitive travelers who were willing to sacrifice amenities for lower fares.
What is free software?
Free software refers to software that users can access, use, modify, and distribute freely, without any restrictions or limitations imposed by copyright or other legal barriers. The term “free” refers to the freedom to use, not necessarily the price.
What is open source software?
Open source software is software whose source code is available to the public, and can be freely modified, distributed, and used by anyone, subject to the terms of a specific license. The term “open source” refers to the transparency and accessibility of the source code, not necessarily the freedom to use or distribute the software.