Chapter 2 Flashcards
How much of our lives do we sleep?
1/3 of our life
What is sleep?
a period of rest and recovery from the demands of wakefulness; a state of unconsciousness or partial consciousness from which a person can be roused
How does sleep affect health?
quantity and quality of sleep are associated with overall health and quality of life.
What is associated with sleep deprivation?
cardiovascular disease, depression and weight gain
How does weight gain play into sleep?
late night snacking
What makes you sleep?
specific structures in the brain as well as darkness
What is circadian rhythm?
tells humans to wake up and sleep during a 24 hour period
What is structure of sleep?
people cycle through stages of sleep and different brain waves, muscle relaxation, nervous system activity
What does NREM stand for?
Non-Rapid Eye Movement
What is NREM?
deep sleep
What does REM stand for?
Rapid Eye Movement
What is REM?
dreaming and brain activity which is associated with learning and memory
Why is sleep important?
sufficient sleep is essential for maintaining optional physical health, mental and emotional functioning and cognitive performance
What are the NREM stages?
stage 1: light sleep, heart rate slows, breathing shallow when wake up often deny sleep
stage 2: brain activity slows further decreases brain activity and muscle tension, last 10-20 min
stages 3,4: blood pressure, heart-rate, breathing drop, if waken up you feel groggy, 20-40 min at a time
REM stages
increase eye movement, dreams occur, no muscle tone and your body can’t move (prevents acting out dreams), helps file memories into long term storage, reduced ability to learn new skills performance is reduced
15-17 hours/ 24 hour period
ages 1-5
11-13 hours with naps throughout the day
ages 5-12
10-12 hours
ages 12-18
9 hours
7.5-8 hours
ages 65+
7-8 hours
sleeping disorders
insomnia, sleep apnea, eating disorders, RLS, narcolepsy
sleepwalking, bed-wetting, nightmares, teeth-grinding
what is sleepwalking?
sleep disturbance that occurs in deepest part of NREM; the body is active while the gray matter is quiet and inactive
how to get enough sleep?
stay on a sleep schedule, avoid caffeine late in the day, exercise regularly, turn off electronics 2 hours before bed, no heavy meals before bed