Chapter 1 Flashcards
What is the purpose of Health Class?
- understand God’s Creation
- provide accurate health info to influence to change attitudes and take positive action
What is it?
Combo of physical, mental/emotional, social well-being
What is the physical part of health?
way parts and systems of the body work together
What is the mental/emotional part of health?
feelings about yourself; how well you meet demands of daily life
What is the social part of health?
how well you get along with others; respect for others
What is the Sociological model?
a framework that recognizes interrelationship between others and their environment
What are some influences?
Heredity, environment, and behavior
What is heredity?
all traits and properties passed along
What is environment?
sum total of surroundings: family, where you grew up, experiences
What is behavior?
choices and habits; can offset all other risk factors
What are risk factors?
behaviors that contribute to unintentional and intentional injuries; drug and alcohol use, unhealthy eating
What is cumulative risk?
increase gradually and may add up to a total that is greater than expected; driving without seatbelt
What is Health?
state of complete physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being; body
What is wellness?
all encompassing- physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, interpersonal/social, environmental, occupational; everything
What are the stages of Change?
Precontemplation, contemplation, preparation/determination, action/will power, maintenance, Relapse
NOT acknowledging the problem; no motivation
acknowledging the problem but not ready to make a change
getting ready to change
changing behavior
maintaining behavior change
returning to old behaviors
What are factors that influence health?
economics, social, cultural, physical conditions, genetics
How do genes affect your health?
they are multi factorial; interactions among several genes; with environmental factors; may have genetic disposition to a disease
Policy making
federal level affect individual and population health; sin taxes
What are social factors?
availability of resources to meet daily needs: educational opportunities; social norms and attitudes: discrimination; exposure to crime, violence
Physical Determinants
natural environment, built environments, worksites, school recreational settings, housing, homes, neighborhoods, exposure to toxic substances and other hazards, disabilities, aesthetic elements
What are barriers to accessing health services?
lack of availability, high costs, lack of insurance coverage, limited language access
What is individual behavior?
many public health and health care interventions focus on changing individual behaviors such as substance abuse; positives changes can reduce rates
What are some examples of individual behavior?
diet, physical activity, alcohol, cigarette, other drug use, hand washing
What does biology and genetics affect?
specific populations more than others; sickle cell
What are examples of biology and genetics?
age, sex, HIV status, inherited conditions, carrying BRICA gene, family history of heart disease
What are 5 factors?
Heredity, environment, social, physical, economic