Chapter 2 Flashcards
Ben Barres
a transgender neuroscientist, has a unique point of view on this question
Faced more bias as a woman than as a man
“Science war”
For the past several decades there has been a debate about the basic conceptions of science and its value in the modern world
Feminist critique of science
Qualitative vs quantitative
How Science Developed
Search for natural laws
Empirical Observation
-Uses sense to gather evidence (observation)
-Free of bias (objectivity)
Qualitative Vs Quantitative
-Observe & interpret
-Measure & test
Experimental Research
establishes cause & effect, explanations rather than descriptions, can lead to artificial findings
Ex Post Facto Studies
Subject variable (ex. gender), cannot manipulate IV, no random assignment, not a “true” experiment
Correlation does not = causation
Qualitative Research Methods
Rejects notion that research should be impartial, accepts subjectivity of research
Involves researchers who immerse themselves in a group to gather info
Focus Groups
Group of people to participate in an intensive discussion (closer to naturally occurring situation than an interview)
Emphasize the subjective nature of knowledge, pure objectivity does not exist
Evelyn Fox Keller
Masculine bias in the conceptual foundation of science, rationality and objectivity vs feeling and subjectivity
Sources of Bias
-Choosing topic of study or variables
-Formulating hypotheses
-Collecting & analyzing data
-Interpreting results (Stat sig. vs clinical sig)
Feminist Standpoint Epistemologies
Reject traditional science as hopelessly biased and urges an acceptance of women-centred research