Chapter 2 Flashcards
Wilhelm Wundt
Focused on structuralism
What is structuralism?
Psychological processes as a product of physiology actions in the brain
What is introspectionism?
Self reflection as a way of understanding thoughts ( opposite of structuralism)
What are challenges of introspectionism?
Very personal
All subjective data
Discovered functionalism
What is functionalism?
A focus on the function/ purpose of a particular behaviour
Early psychophysics include:
Sensation: the information that is coming in through your senses
perception: the brain processing the information coming in through your senses
Absolute threshold
The difference between not being able to perceive a stimuli and just being able to perceive it
It is the point at which a stimuli will be detected 50% of the time
Difference threshold
Also known as (just noticeable diffrence)
The least amount of change in stimulation that would be noticeable
Ivan Pavlov
Creator of classical conditioning
He manipulated saliva production in dogs
What is the (US) and (UR) in pavlovs study?
US= The Food
UR = salivation
Buzzer response in pavlovs study
If a buzzer is sounded every time the food is presented it will become the (CS)
Now every time the buzzer is sounded it will evoke salivation (CR)
What reflexes are humans born with?
Sucking reflex
Moro reflex
Knee-jerk reflex
Eye-blink reflex
Pupillary reflex
Contiguity us contingency
Contiguity- events that occur in the same place or time will be associated
Contingency- events should be correlated
Is classical conditions contiguity or contingency?
Types of (CS) presentation
Delayed- (CS) is presented before food and left on
Trace- (CS) is presented before food comes
Simultaneous- (CS) Is presented at the same time as food
Backward- (CS) I’s presented after the food comes
Stimulus generalization
Making similar responses when presented with related stimuli
Ex. Rooster attack generalized fear to all birds
Stimuli discrimination
Making different responses to related but distantly different stimuli
Ex. Dog learns that a different frequency buzzer doesn’t result in food therefore no response is elicited
Higher order conditioning
Responses and reinforcers linked in complex ways
Ex- rooster attack occurred at farm and now individual wont go to farms out of fear
What study did Watson conduct
The little Albert study: used classical conditioning with a hammer to make Albert afraid of white rats
Watsons theory of transfer
The making of similar responses for a variety of related stimuli
Treatment for enuresis
Child sleeps on a pad
Chid wets the bed causing bell to ring
Child wakes up
After time the need to urinate alone will wake the child
Conditioned taste aversion
Learned association between the taste of food/chemicals to illness
Guinea pig injection classical conditioning
Guinea pigs injected with antibodies
Then paired injections with light
Injections + light = better immunity
Lights alone = better immunity
Gurthies law of one shot learning
When an organism does something on one occasion, it is likely to do the same thing over and over again if the occasion repeats itself
Movement product stimuli
A stimulus is not just one sensation but rather a combination of numerous sensations
Therefore a response is not just a single, final act; rather a sequence of actions
Ways of breaking a habit
Fatigue: overuse the stimuli to the point of no interest (smoking multiple cigarettes until it becomes gross and you are no longer interested)
Threshold: gradually building up to breaking habit (1st week 5 cigs, 2nd week 2 cigs, 3rd week none)
Incompatible stimuli: stimuli and response are on opposite sides ( going outside in winter to smoke with no gloves. Smoking is no longer nice as you are cold the whole time)