Chapter 2 Flashcards
Articles of Confederation
Weak central government, confederal structure. States had the most power and thus federal government was ineffective in times of crisis. This was deliberately done b/c colonists feared another tyrannical king controlling them.
limits of power of A.o.C government
NAtional government couldn’t tax and needed to ask states for money that they oftened denied. Federal gov couldn’t regulate commerce, couldn’t develop national economy. Couldn’t respond to national emergencys
Annapolis Convention
Confederence to discuss the issues of disputes between states, but larger goal of making changes to confederation. Only 5 states participated. But this confederence led to the Philly Convention.
Shay’s Rebellion
Rebellion that the inefficient Confederation struggled to put down, states refused to help Massechusetts. This convinced many that changing confederation was necessary
Crisis on Confederation
shortage of currency backed by gold/silver, debt crisises, foreign powers threatening
Constitutional Convention
Philly Covention, called to fix the Articles of Confederation for a stronger central govenrment
Key issues of Convention
representation of the states and power of the national government
Constitution on limited govenrment
the Constitution limited the powers of the national government to protect the individual rights of the citiznes and distribute power between diff branches and state/federal level.
Virginia plan
supported the big states: bicameral with proportional representation in both houses
New Jersey Plan
for the small states: unicameral legislature with 1 vote for each state, very similar to Articles of Confederation
The Great Compromise
Grand Committe decides that a bicameral house with a Senate where each state gets two votes and a house with proportional representation
Compromises on Slavery
3/5ths compromise, resulted in more representation for the Southern states, Compromise on Importation Congress couldn’t restrict slave trade till 1808
shared power between government and the states
seperation of power
insure that citizens have power and voice in the government and the states
Federalists vs Anti Federalists
supporters and detractors of the Constitution. Federalists were usually powerful elists while Anti Federalists were rural farmers that feared elites ruling over them
Federalist Papers
Highly influential papers written by Hamilton, Madison, Jay meant to sway the public opinion towards ratification
Tyranny of the Majority
large majority of citizens use power to trample the minority: Federalist Concern, Shay’s Rebellion, poor revolt and overthrow the government
Tyranny of the Minority
small group of citizens trample rights of majority: the fear of Anti Federalists: represented by Britian’s rule of the colonies and monarchs/dictatorships from history