Chapter 19: Vulva, Vagina and Cervix Flashcards
What is the most common uterine tumor? a) Leiomyoma b) Leiomyosarcoma c) Endometrial carcinoma d) Endometriosis
a) leimyoma (originates from myometrium)
Just know where to point out vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus, tuba falopii and ovaria.
What three structures can be found in the uterus?
Endometrium (lining of uterus), myometrium and serosa/peritoneum.
This picture is uterus tissue. Can you point out the glandular structures (epithelium) and stroma? And also point out the myometirum.
Glandular structures * Stroma ** Myometrium ***
What tumors originate from the myometrium?
Mesenchymal tumors -> leimyomas or leiosarcomyomas
What are (morphological) characterisations of Lichen Sclerosis? (and where can the disease exist)
Marked thinning of the epidermis, fibrosis of the superficial dermis and chronic inflammatory cells (T cells)in the deeper dermis. (the disease occurs in the vulva)
What are (morphological) characterisations of Lichen Simplex Chronicus? (and where can the disease exist)
Thickened epidermis and hyperkeratosis. (the disease occurs in the vulva)
What are condylomas and what two types exist?
Warty lesions of the vulva. Condylomata lata (flat, minimally elevated lesions) and condylomata acuminata (papillary and distincly elevated)
What are histological features of condylomas?
Koilocytosis, where perinuclear cytoplasmic vacuolization and a wrinkled nuclear contour occurs.
Just know that the most common type of carcinoma in the vulva is squamous cell carcinoma. Of this type, there are two distinct forms. One is high-risk HPV related and occurs in middleaged women. The other occurs in older women, sometimes following a long history of reactive epithelial changes.
How do vulvar carcinomas commonly manifest?
As areas of leukoplakia
What is Extramammary Paget Disease?
Paget disease is an intraepidermal proliferation of epithelial cells that can occur in the skin of the vulva or nipple of the breast. In the picture you can see large tumor cells with pale-pink cytoplasm that infiltrate the epidermis. Also chronic inflammatory cells are present in the underlying dermis.
Is squamous cell carcinoma of the vagina common?
No, it is extremely uncommon.
What was found in 1970 (for illustration)?
In 1970, clear cell adenocarcinoma, a very rare tumor, was identified in a cluster of young women whose mothers took diethylstilbestrol during pregnancy to prevent threatened abortion. Follow-up studies determined that the incidence of this tumor in persons exposed to diethylstilbestrol in utero is low.
Fill in: Most tumors of the cervix are of … (1) origin and are caused by oncogenic strains of … (2).
(1) = epithelial (2) = HPV
HPV has a tropism for …
the immature squamous cells of the transformation zone.
What is meant by the transformation zone of the cervic?
Colomnar mucus-secreting epithelium of the endocervix is joined to the squamous epithelial covering of the exocervix at the cervical os. During puberty eversion occurs, where the columnar epithelial cells become exposed. These cells undergo squamous metaplasia, forming a region called the transformation zone (typically place for tumors to arise).
What are precursors from which most invasive cervical carcinomas develop?
Squamous intraepithelial lesions (SILs)